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"Casino?" Ashley asked holding up a invitation to the casino

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"Casino?" Ashley asked holding up a invitation to the casino. Seth looked up from his comic book to the doorway of his room where Ashley stood. "Yeah. Another annual and boring event in Orange County."

"Boring? I doubt an event here is boring. I mean with all the drama and fighting. Besides a Casino night has more potential then a fashion show," Ashely stated sitting down at the end of his bed. "I guess, but I wouldn't get my hopes up," Seth told her before he looked down to his comic book again.
Ashley had just made her way through the front door when she heard yelling. It didn't take her long to realize it was her parents fight again. They'd been fighting a lot recently. Ever since the dinner at the Cohens house and dad got to know about Sandy and his wife old relationship.

In Ashley's opinion he was overreacting. It was ages ago. As they say you can't change the past, but you can change the future. Besides Sandy was happily married to Kirsten and her parents, well, they were at least married.

"Oh, Ashley. We didn't hear you come in," her mother said embarrassed that her daughter had to her their ridiculous argument. "How could you? Kind of hard with all the yelling," Ashley said. "We're sorry," her father tried. "We all have our problems, don't we?" Ashely stated before heading upstairs.

She really didn't know what to do about her parents. Should she talk to them? No, they would've never listen to a 16 year old girl. She could wait and see if it went over by itself, but knowing her parents they were both to proud to apologize. Something had to be done she just don't know what yet.
Seth rushed to the door as soon as he heard a knock. It couldn't have come at a better time for him due to the awkwardness of having Ryan's mother as a guest. He opened the door to see Ashley standing there.

"Hey, is this a bad time?" She asked. Seth quickly shook his head. "No, quite the opposite. What's up?" "Nothing, I just need your advice on something," she began. "Ashley Morgan needs my help," Seth joked. As she was about to answer Kirsten approach them.

"Care to join us?" She asked Ashley. Seth stood behind his mother shaking his head to Ashley. "No, I'm okay," Ashley answered. "No, please. As Sandy would say the more the merrier," Kirsten said still angry at her husband for bringing Ryan's mom to their house without asking. Ashley was about to protest, but Kirsten had already gotten her a plate.

Ashley slowly made her way to the table as she saw a unfamiliar woman sitting there. "Ashley how lovely to see you again. This is Dawn, Ryan's mother," Sandy explained. Ashley eyes went wide and Dawn shook her hand. "Nice to meet you. I didn't know you were visiting," Ashley exclaimed. "Neither did I," Kirsten said taking another sip of her wine glass.

Sandy sent her wife a glare, but turned to Ashley. "How's your parents? Are they up for a new dinner soon?" Kirsten schoffed. Of course not. "My dad is actually really busy at work right now," Ashley lied. Seth simply sent her the "really look." Remembering both their fathers work at the same place, Ashley wrinkled her nose.

"That's weird. I think it's been rather quiet," Sandy said confused. Ashley nervously laughed before she spoke again, "did I say my dad? I meant my mom." "Your mom's unemployed," Kirsten simply said. "She got a job at this new, uh um, lamp factory," Ashley hesitated. Kirsten and Sandy shared a look before they decided to drop it.
It was the night of the casino and Ashley knew it would be a dramatic evening, especially now that Ryan's mom was visiting.

She arrived with her parents and of course the first people they ran into were the Cohens. Great.

"Hiram, Alice? What a wonderful surprise. I thought you weren't gonna make it," Sandy greeted them. "Especially since you been so busy lately." "We have?" Alice asked. "At least that's what Ashley said at dinner last night," Sandy explained.

"She ate dinner at your house last night?" Hiram asked. Ashley laughed awkwardly. "Um, yeah. I'm sure I mentioned it at some point," she told her parents. "Anyways," Sandy interrupted, "are you up for a new dinner next week?"

Alice and Hiram looked at each other. Hiram was not trilled, while Alice was ecstatic. "Sure," Alice shot in before her husband could turn down the proposal. "Lovely," Kirsten said with her teeth closed.
Luckily, Ashley made her way over to Marissa. "Hey," Marissa greeted. "Did you hear Ryan's mother is visiting," she continued. "Oh yeah, I've met her last night," Ashley answered.

Marissa's eyes widened. "Really? How was she?" She asked. Ashley hesitated to answer the question. Did she really want to be someone who gossiped? "Well, let's just say she didn't really seem like the best mother," Ashley answered. "I can imagine."

Ashley had to say she was disappointed in this Newport event. She expected drama on a high level and the only drama she had got was a little tension between Luke and Ryan. Her parents were long gone, probably somewhere fighting. She hadn't seen Summer or Seth the entire day. "I guess high expectations leads to disappointments," she mumbled to herself.

While Ashley talked to some future classmates, she noticed Dawn taking a drink and by the way she was acting it wasn't her first one. "I'll talk to you later," she told her former classmates as she approached Dawn.

"Sure, you want to do that?" Ashley asked as she was about to do a shot. Dawn slightly jumped. "Oh, sorry didn't mean to scare you, but if I was you I wouldn't do that." Dawn gave the Morgan girl a look that could kill, but Ashley wasn't exactly easy to budge.

"Watch your language, girl," Dawn said moving closer to Ashley. "Careful. Wouldn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to us, would we?" Ashley said as she took a step back.

The bartender hands Dawn her shot. "I'll take that," Ashley snapped the drink out of Dawn's hand and threw it in a plant. "Now for Ryan's sake I wouldn't take another drink if I was you," Ashley said walking away.
"There you are," Seth said to Ashley, "I've been looking for you." Ashley gave him a small smile. "I've been busy." "Doing what?" He asked confused. "Stuff," she answered secretly.

Seth was about to ask more, but remembered why he'd been looking for her. "You will never believe what just happened. I've spent the entire evening with Summer," he said exited. "And?" Ashley asked not seeing what's so special about that.

Seth opened his mouth in shook. "Are you kidding me? That has never happened before." Ashley raised her eyebrows. "Haven't you known her your entire life?" "Well, yes, I have, but we haven't really spoken before," Seth explained.

"Then you're not in love with her," Ashley told him. "Um, yes, I am?" Seth stated confused. "It's impossible to be in love with someone you've never ever spoken to," she explained. Seth was about to argue, but was interrupted by Dawn falling over the waiter. "Oh crap."

As Luke goes to help her up everybody has already noticed, including Ryan. Ashley could just see the disappointment in his eyes. She truly felt bad for Ryan, he didn't deserve this.

Even though Ryan was embarrassed about his mom he still went and helped her up. It was incredible how forgiving and helpful Ryan was.

I guess when you don't have a lot you appreciate the more important stuff more, Ashley thought to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2018 ⏰

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