6-8th letter

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Dear Lauren,

I ran out of paper so now I'm going to have to write this letter and maybe another letter on here. Hopefully I don't fill this up really fast. Anyways hey. I hope your day was good. Mine was kinda. I spent all day looking at videos of us. Mostly during our x-factor days. I wish we were that close still. I cried a little while watching them but I'm okay babe don't worry.

Camila C.


Dear Lauren,

      There's still room on this paper so I'm going to write this letter. I need to get more paper. I'm trying my best to be/seem happy since I left. The way that that played out was such a mess. I was confused and I know that you girls were too. We never really got a good bye. I think I need that closure. Btw I finally heard 'down'. It's amazing. I knew that you guys would sound great. You guys have so much talent. I also keep listening to 'strangers'. You sound so amazing baby. I'm so proud of you. I secretly jam out to it a lot but shhh don't tell anyone. I hope you've listened to my music cause I've worked hard on it. I hope you're proud of me babe. 'I have questions' was really hard to write but hey I finished it and I'm happy with the final product. Fuck I just poked my eye omg. Anyways I have therapy tomorrow sadly. I don't want to go cause it doesn't help with anything. They're gonna ask me what I've been doing and they are gonna ask me so many questions. Okay I already filled up most of the paper so I'm going to stop here so I can write tomorrow. Bye I love you.

Camila C.


Dear Lolo,

I went to therapy today and let me tell you. I did not like it. My therapist kept asking me questions and made me show him what I'm writing. I feel like I was invaded. His name is Jeffery and he got mad and told me to stop writing to you. He doesn't get that you make me feel better all he thinks is that I'm just depressed and lonely. I mean he's not wrong but I can be happy sometimes. He doesn't get me. No one can. You're the only one that can.

Camila C.

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