Chapter 1/ Godric's Hollow

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         It was a cold winters night in Godric's Hollow your mother had just put you and your brother to bed in your brand new crib.

You gave you mum and dad the toothless grin that you had and they smiled back. Your sweet baby smile was wiped away in a instant when you heard the sound of something break, you weren't sure what it was because granted you were only 11 months old.

You stared at your mum and dad as they looked at eachother and nodded so then your dad went to you assume go and investigate.

Your mum picked up your brother kissed him then she kissed you on your forhead, you giggled. Her motherly kiss was jerked away from you when she heard you father scream, you didnt cry from the noise you were never bothered by anything, but you heard your brothers cry's as you tilted your little baby head to watch your mum run into the hallway her ginger hair flowing behind her.

She wasnt looking for long before she ran in frantically trying to guard you two. You didn't quite understand what your mummy was saying but she was screaming.

Between Harry's crys and your mothers yelling tiny tears started to roll down your cheeks because your small ears started to hurt.

You suddenly heard a man yell but it wasnt your fathers, and in the blink of an eye a green light appeared and your mom fell to the ground. The man soon walked up to you and Harry's crib and point what you believed to be a stick at you both you reached up for it and heard that same yelling again, you saw the flash of green light and then your forhead started to hurt so you began to scream along with Harry.

Between the tears in your eyes you caught a glimpse of that man leaving. You sat there for what seemed like to your little mind days but in reality it was only 30 minutes, until another man walked in, took one glance at you and then fell to the ground and hugged your mum.

The man sat there and hugged her for awile until he heard the faint grumble of a motercycle, and with a loud crack he was gone.

You were suddenly liffted by another man but this man was very large. You felt him bend and you assumed that he picked up Harry judging by the crys he did.

He carried you both out of the nursery and into the hallway were you saw your father laying on the ground.

You were soon greeted by the cold sting of the night and you started to shiver. The man started to notice and he said something that you didnt understand but you looked in the direction of his voice and he started to cover you up more with his jacket.

You looked up at him and gave him your signature toothless grin. You stopped smiling however when you felt a warm liquid sliding down your forhead, you felt the mans hand in your forhead and liquid stopped sliding the pain was still there though, you wished he could fix that.

After that you were handed off to an older man you suppose who's long silvery beard got in your eyes, he lifted you up and turned you over several times, he appeared to be examining you.

The older man handed you back to the bigger man who you met before, you saw Harry in the older mans arms and started to reach for him until he was back by your side again.

You felt the man start to walk you towards something, it sounded the same rumble you heard earlier. He sat you and Harry in this car on the side of his rumbling machine, he covered you and Harry up with more blankets, they looked like the ones from your crib.

You started to lift up and you felt that cold sting exept it was much worse because it felt the a freezing sting cold across your face.

You didnt see much after that because you fell asleep so you just laid in that car type thing, and awaited your destination........

A/N Hey guys wassup so this is my first ever fanfiction sortof if you followed me for awile you know  the situation that went down about a year ago but yeah um I realised that there wernt many storys like this out there so figured why not but um there will not be any twincest b/c thats disgusting so if you were looking for that then your in the wrong place. The next chapter will take place in privet Drive when dumbledore arives and mcgonnagall isnt a cat anymore and all that type of stuff. I hope the the switch between reader point of you and other point of you's didnt cofuzzle you. Again this is only my first one but hopefully * crosses fingers * it will get better. Bye guys I love yall💖💖💖💖💖
P.s I have a question should you be a slytherin whilst Harry is in gryffindor or should you both be in gryffindor.

The story of the forgotten twin (Fred x Reader x George)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon