Chapter 2/ Privet drive

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No one's POV
       Somewhere in privet drive there was an old man in dark maroon robes and a gold and dark maroon hat to match.

Nothing like this man had ever been seen in Privet drive. He was tall, thin, and very old, judging by silver in his hair and beard to match.

The old man reached into his robes and seemed to have found what he was looking for, he raised it up into the light it looked just like an old silver cigarette lighter. The old man clicked the Put-Outer once and the nearest street light went out, he clicked it once more and the second street light went out. He clicked the Put-Outer twelve time before all the streets lights in Privet drive had gone out.

Except for two distant twinkling lights of an tabby cat with rectangular markings around its eyes, almost as if it were wearing glasses. The old man shifted slightly to peer at the cat, he gave a soft chuckle and then proceeded to walk towards the cat.

The old man spoke with great confidence in his voice and said " Minerva you can get up now, the coast is clear." The once tabby cat now transformed its self into a older looking woman with rectangular glasses just like the ones the cat had had.

She was also wearing robes but hers were emerald ones. " Oh hello Albus, not to be rude but whats your business here for" she said " Well I suppose you've heard about Lilly and James?" Albus said. Minerva then spoke with a worried tone in her voice " No, no I  haven't, whats happened?" " Well the rumors are..." he sighed and bowed his head and then attempted to speak again " What happened here tonight is that Voldemort" Minerva winced, Albus glared at her and said " You know fear of the name only increases fear of the thing its self.." she only nodded ".... anyways Voldemort broke into Lily and James's house and used the killing curse to murder both of them.... then.... when he attempted to kill Harry and (Y/N) but failed, its like it used up all of his power and merely just bounced of the two... there is evidence that he just withered away into nothing but we are not really sure what exactly happened."

Minerva gasped and stood there for several minutes before speaking "So... Lily and James are... are  dead... but that still hasn't  answered my question as to why your here" " Ah, right you are. You see, the reason im here is because im bring Harry and (Y/N) to come and live here with there only living family, their only living family left, their Aunt and Uncle. I believe they live in number 4." Minerva had a shocked look on her face " Oh no, you cant be meaning the Dursley's " he merely nodded " But those people are the rudest, most cruel muggles i've ever seen" " Im sorry Minerva im afraid I have no other choice" " But Albus.... oh alright fine... where are they anyway." She spoke with fury in her voice " Hagrids bringing them" he said calmly. "Oh ok... wait you said HAGRIDS BRINGING THEM. ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY MAD!!!" " Oh look here they come now" he said even more relaxed then before.

Minerva looked up when she heard the distant rumbling of the motorcycle and its side car. A few minutes later Hagrid and the twins landed right next to Minerva and Albus, "Hello, Hagrid" Albus and Minerva said hopefully.  " oh, 'ello Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall" " Ok Hagrid, do you have the babies?" Minerva said impatiently " Ye' I do," Minerva reached out as a  gesture for him to hand them over, he got the message and handed them over gingerly to Minerva. "Thank you Hagrid, come Albus.... you too Hagrid" Minerva carried the babies towards the number 4 on Privet Drive, with Albus close behind her and Hagrid following suit after he got of his motorcycle.

As Minerva reached the steps to the house of number 4 Privet Drive she turned around to let Albus in front of her. She kissed each of their foreheads where the gashes were and handed them to Dumbledore.Once Dumbledore had them he positioned both of them on one of his arms so he could once again reach inside his robes, he then pulled out two pieces of parchment and stuck one in each of their swaddles and set them down on the first step in front of the house.

Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Hagrid each made their way back to Hagrids motorcycle, McGonagall was the first to break the silence " Oh Hagrid stop crying you'll see them both in eleven years" he just nodded and wiped away is tear.

Hagrid got on his motorcycle bided farewell and rode off into the night. McGonagall shook hands withe Dumbledore nodded and Apparated back to Hogwarts. Dumbledore however took one last look at Privet Drive, lifted the old cigarette lighter, clicked it once and all the lights flew out of the lighter and back into the lampposts, and Apparated back to Hogwarts.

The twins didnt know it yet but they would soon be awoken from their slumber by a high pitched women's scream, and that is how the first day of the rest of their lives would begin.....

(A/N) Hey guys how are you enjoying it so far im sorry it took so long i have a really bad ear infection so i cant really do anything for a couple weeks so.... yeah. But my question still stand should you be in slytherin and harry in gryffindor or you both be in gryffindor. idk but i would prefer you be in gryffindor with your brother but idk ill figure something out. anyways bye guys!!!!!! 

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