Chapter 3 Worthless part 2

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     After I had got my letter Uncle Dursley wasted no time in packing all of his, Dudleys, and Aunt Petunias stuff. Harry and I tried packing what little we had when Uncle Dursley told us not to bother. So we left the house that evening with none of our belongings besides a change of clothes that we had to smuggle underneath our jackets and what we had on our backs.

     Harry and I tried sleeping but Dudley kept pinching us and yelling like an idiot " For fucks sakes Dudley, will you shut that mouth of yours for two seconds. You sound like a bloody idiot" I had said that without thinking and I instantly regretted it, without even skipping a beat Uncle Dursley whips around and punches me square in the jaw. Harry quickly jumps over Dudley in the back seat to see if I'm fine, I quickly assure him I am, beachside I have become used to it. "You can't be saying things like that (Y/N), ecspecially if it's about Dudley" he whispers and I know he's right so I shut my mouth for the rest of the ride there.

        I had fallen asleep on the ride to wherever we were going to only get woken up with a jab to the arm by none other then my fat pig of a cousin. I look outside my car window and see that we are stopped in the parking lot of a boat dock. He rents the boat and tells us to to all get out of the car. As soon as I step out on to the pavement I almost fall on my face, but I am quickly greeted with arms around my waist to help balance me, I guess not being able to eat for two weeks really takes a toll on your body huh? We get in to the little paddle boat that only seats about four normally sized people, but when dealing with the Dursley's it sits about one Uncle Vernon and half of Aunt Petunia. So I ended up sitting on top of Harry and Dudley ended up sitting on poor, fragile, little Aunt Petunia.
     We soon arrive to this big, old, stone house and as we dock the boat Uncle Vernon shouts "Welcome to our new home" and he should've known he would catch hell about that from Dudley. Harry and I just tuned out there fight and went inside to look around, but as soon as we stepped foot in the door we felt huge meaty hands on our shoulders and pulled us out of the doorway, " I don't know why your going to look around, the rooms are already taken by us" he gestured between him, Aunt Petunia, and Dudley " You are sleeping on the floor in the living room" we just nodded, we knew if we said anything smart allic we would get hit.

                          * 11:45 at night *
       As Harry and I stayed up and waited for 12:00 to roll around, we drew our fake cake in the sand on the floor of this new house. We were both turning 11, not like it mattered to our family but it mattered to us. We were supposed to exchange gifts but we left them at the house because Uncle Vernon wouldn't let us bring anything. We heard the beep of Harry's watch and we quickly sang happy birthday to eachother and blew away the sand as if we were blowing out real candles, as soon as we did we heard a loud bang at the front door and that when our lives truly changed forever.....

I know I know I'm late as fuck but hey, better late than never. It is a little rushed and really fuckin bad but whatever. I love you guys sm and I enjoy all the feedback so keep sending it, I need all that I can get!! But bye guys see you soon hopefully❤️❤️

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