✖chapter 6✖

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...I will ruin you , slowly and painfully...

Leah dreaded this morning ,though that its Monday and she is practically forced to go to school.Theo left three days ago, he went back to Stand Telford college.

"Morning Honey ready for school?"Mr White asked sitting at the island in the kitchen reading his newpapers and drinking his cofee."Am I supposed to."Leah said with a sad face slumping into the chair infront of her father , her mother was busy finishing up with breakfast." Well looks I have to get to work." Mr White said looking at his watch."Looks like we have get heading to ,darling don't want you to be late on your first day."Mrs White said giving Leah her breakfast.

The ride to school was very silent, music was playing and Leah love the quitenes ,she always loved it."So darling I will be picking you up after cheerleading practice, just call me when you are done. Okay?". Leah didn't even notice they were already at school until her mother talked to her."Okay mom I wil...do that love you mom bye."Leah said to her mother getting out of the car. Once Leah was out of the car and her mother drove away all eyes of the other students were on her. Leah took a deep breath, " Her goes nothing.."Leah said to herself as she went into the schools doors. Leah had to admit Medow High was just as all the other schools ,here you also have the basic jocks ,cheerleaders ,geeks ,and your science freaks.

Leah walked to find her locker until she bumped into something hard, no wait scratch that more like someone. "Umph, seriously ,can't you look were you wher-" the person didn't finish his sentence looking at Leah ,he seemed shocked he never seen her around."Hello....earth to you?." Leah asked this boy looking at him with a raised brow waiting for a response."Ah , sorry."he said bluntly. Before Leah could ask him what his name is the bell rang signaling school has started and the boy left without saying his name to her."Jerk." Leah mumbled trying to find the office to ask if anyone can help her.This was going to be long day.

Luckily Leah was helped to find all her classes and finally her locker ,it was lunchtime which means more student are going to look at her. Making her way to the cafeteria ,everything went silent once she set her foot in the cafeteria."Oh boy."Leah said in her mind. Walking to the vending machine near the exit to outside ,Leah went to get herself some water and skittles, bending down to get her water someone stood behind her slapping her on her ass.Leah jolted up fast turing around being face to face with a boy smirking down at her, he was tall with beautiful hazel eyes and chocolate brown hair ,Leah seemed furious and before the boy knew it Leah slapped him hard against his face, the loud impact made everyone look at them."Asshole!" Leah said to him before turing around looking for a table to sit.

After five minutes of Leah taking her seat a girl sat infront of Leah with a shocked expression.Leah raised her brow at the girl."Oh..yeah sorry, Hi I'm Morgan and you are...?"Morgan asked Leah."I'm Leah."Leah said looking at the girl with a straight face. "Okay."Morgan said after a short silence between the two girls."I just wanna say ,you are brave for doing what you did back there." "What slapping that asshole in the face ... No biggy."Leah said laughing."Yes it is a biggy ,that is Shawn Mendes the schools well known bad boy ,and to admit very hot" Morgan said looking back at Shawn with his squad."Oh yeah before I forget are you going to do tryouts for cheerleading?"Morgan asked before the bell rang. "Yes I am." "Cool I'll see you there."

The rest of the school day went by as a blur ,leah found morgan already standing of the football field waiting for all the other girls. Leah smiled knowing that she already made a friend well just one friend."Finally!, you made it I thought no one was coming."Morgan said quickly looking at Leah with big eyes."Okay bitches, get ready do tryouts!!" a girl yelled she had long copper hair and is slim built."Who is that?" Leah asked Morgan softly."That's Melanie Brooks, the head cheerleader and all the main mean girl of our school, don't get on her wrong side."Morgan said looking at Leah. While everyone was stretching Melanie came up to Leah."So you are the new girl right."Leah looked at her as if she had hit her head on a rock or something."Yes."Leah said shortly."Melanie smile at her."Welcome to Medow High"She gave Leah a sly grin.

After tryouts Leah and Morgan were waiting for their parents talking and laughing."Well it was nice to make a new friend see you tomorrow"Morgan said hugging Leah tightly before getting into the car and driving off.Not even six minutes later Mrs White came into the school parking lot."Hey darling, how was school?"Mrs White asked Leah."It was great ,I made a new friend her name is Morgan and she is a very very weird girl"Leah said in between laughing fits.

Quick explanation ...
I have nothing against Shawn ,he's a sweet person and I love him very much 💜 as the character that I make him in my book he is gonna be a cocky jerk so plz plz plz don't hate me for that.

So... What do guys think so far????

I'm going to have a surprise in the next chapter for you all


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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