Chapter 15

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Liz's POV

Today was the day that I was finally going home. Lou went and got me some good clothes and I put on some make up. I wore a teal dress with nude flats. It was December first. I have been at the hospital for a week. Lou walked in and sat back down on the couch. "Ready to go love?" He asked. I got up from the cot and walked over to him placing my lips on his. "Yes." His hands pressed up against the small of my back making the kiss deeper. "We should really go" I said Lou nodded and we walked towards the door. When we got out paparazzi bombarded us. Lou tried to shield me as best as he could. They kept on asking me questions. I decided to ignore them and walk towards the car.

Lou started to mumble things under his breath I grabbed his arms. Trying to focus on what's ahead of me and not the flashing lights. When we finally got to the car Lou opened the door for me and I quickly climbed in. When Lou got in the car we sped away. We got to the house and I walked to the bedroom and laid down. "Can I get you anything love?" Lou asked. "I'm fine thanks." I replied. Lou hurried off to the kitchen. I sighed and turned on the tv. I got up and went to the bathroom. I jumped in the shower. Lou barged in. "love I could have helped you." Lou said "Lou I don't need to be babied." you got in the shower trying to relieve some of the stress.

Lou's POV

I didn't know what to do. I didn't want another incident to happen. I kept asking her if she needed anything but she would just shoo me away and get it for herself. I was just trying to help. When I heard the water running a panicked and ran upstairs. "Love I could have helped you." said. She replied "Lou I don't need to be babied." She then hopped in the shower. I sighed and went into our room. I laid down on the bed. I heard the shower stop. She walked out in only her towel. I tried to hide my smirk. I couldn't help myself. She grabbed my shirt that I wore to the hospital today and a pair of yoga pants. She scurried into the bathroom and closed to door. I chuckled. "Love I've seen you naked before, what's different now!" I heard her giggle. I got up and lakes towards the bathroom. I jiggled the door handle. Locked. "Love?" I pressed my head against the wall. "I'm sorry for the way I acted around you. You don't need to be babied. I just don't want anything to happen to you, your the best thing that has happened to me." she opened the door and buried her head in my neck. "Lou that's so sweet." she said. "I'm a sweet guy." My hands slide down to her bum. She grabbed them and pulled them back up to her side. "Don't push it tommo." she said. I chuckled. "Just like our first date." I said. I pressed my forehead to hers. She was so beautiful. Her green eyes stared right into my eyes. Her arms wound around my neck as she gently pulled me in for a kiss. The kiss was gentle. I knew I should be careful with her. Her kisses were always gentle but full of meaning. I slowly walked to the bed. I sat down and she stood in between my legs. Her hands ran through my hair. I groaned. She repeated this for and while. My hands slide under her shirt and traced circles around her stomach. I grabbed her hands from my hair and put them in my hands. I saw ink on her right hand. I pulled in up to my face to see. Their were two letters. LT. My initials. "I want to get a tattoo and I didn't know what to do. So I decide to do something that the one person that I think about 24/7 and that's you." Liz said. I kissed her hand where the tattoo was. "I love it. Know I'm going to have to get one of you." I said smiling at her. "I don't mean to be a buzz kill but I'm tired." "sure love."she crawled on her side of the bed and instantly feel asleep.

The next morning

Louis's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. The called ID read Harry. Great just the person that I wanted to talk to this early on the morning. I quickly picked it up so that Elizabeth wouldn't wake up.

(H- Harry L-Louis)

L- Harry what do you want

H- management needs us we need to work on our up coming tour.

L- I thought we had it off remember.

H- well tell management that

L- I'll be their soon

H- see you then

L- bye

*end of convo*

Whenever Harry calls it's about girls, parties, or about the group. I walked back into the room. Today I was planning on having my mum over so that she could meet Liz. Hopefully whatever they needed it would be fast. I didn't want to leave Liz home right after she got home from the hospital. If I asked my mom to come over and watch her that would be nice. Get some bonding in. But it's way to early. I got dressed and went down in the kitchen to grab a notepad. I brought it up to the room and wrote Liz a note. I placed it on the pillow and walked downstairs to grab my coat and shoes.

3 hours later

Liz's POV

I woke up and I read the clock 11:30. Wow that was late for me. I turned over to greet Lou with a kiss but I saw that he was gone. And in place of Lou was a note. And it read


Management needed us guys to head in. Even though it's our break. I'm sorry that I couldn't be their when you woke up. I hope you will forgive me.

Love you


I started to make myself some breakfast. I made myself some eggs and sat down on the couch and turned on a movie. Hoping that by the time I finished this movie Lou would be back in my arms. Holding me tight.

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