Chapter 5- Isabelle's Big Mistake

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Izzy struggled to keep her eyes open as they walked through the airport to head to Memphis for RAW. Everyone was still really tired from that big 'Shield Summit' from Smackdown last week. Izzy didn't have much part in that, she just looked from the side and stood next to Roman. Then gave Dean the look to add his fist to the group as the segment came to a close. "Wakey wakey!" Seth said as she opened her eyes a little more as they got up from their seats to get into the plane. "What?" She said groggily and wiped her eyes. "You fell asleep against my shoulder when we sat down about 20 minutes ago." Seth said. She laughed a little and said "Sorry." "Nah its alright, I don't blame ya for being so tired." Seth said.

Seth was right, she had been on the road for about a week and wasn't used to it yet. Who could blame her? A teenager needs her sleep! "What do you think about getting a little training done before RAW?" Dean asked. "If I can wake up, sure. I haven't wrestled in what seems like forever. I think I'm going through a wrestling with drawl or something." Izzy said, looking up at him laughing. He smiled a little at her as they headed into the plane.

They landed in Memphis as Roman said "Boo!" to Izzy, which made her jump out from another cat nap. "Oh my gosh! Stop it!" Izzy groaned, a little annoyed, but she couldn't help but laugh at his antics. "Maybe that wouldn't have happened if you hadn't decided to sit next to Seth and Dean." Roman said, teasing her. Roman had sat in the row behind the other 3, since Izzy occupied the isle seat next to Seth. She had fallen asleep again, but this time she felt refreshed and actually awake, not a walking zombie. She stretched and yawned again as she got up and Roman handed her the bags she used for carry on from the compartments above the seats.


As they walked down through the empty seats of the arena, (they also practiced going down so they knew where to go) Izzy felt eager to get in that wrestling ring. She was also excited that this ring wasn't just any ordinary ring, it was the official WWE ring that her favorite superstars would be performing in later that night. She hopped over the barricade with a little help from Dean and as he helped her he said "I don't think it would kill if you grew a few inches to help you get over this barricade." and laughed. She said "Not my fault! My parents are short. And by the way, exactly 5 ft isn't that short. I know some girls in my age that are like 4'10, so be lucky!" He said "Guess that's true, now lets get started." He said. "Who do you want to practice on today?" Dean asked. She smirked and looked at Roman. "I think I want to see how well I can do when I go up against a huge Samoan." And laughed. Roman laughed with her and said "Good luck!" as he entered the ring.

Seth and Dean just chilled on the other side of the ropes on the ring and gave her instructions. That went on for about an hour and Roman let her wrestle him as best as she could. He did some offense towards her, but as gentle as he could because she was definitely way smaller than the guys who he would normally grapple with. Roman was laying on the ground, diagonal from the turnbuckle at a reasonable distance when Dean said "C'mon Izzy, moonsault." She nodded and quickly climbed to the top turnbuckle. She faced the opposite way and panicked a little but knew it was too late. She stopped for a moment and took a deep breath before she did a back flip onto Roman. She sighed in relief, glad that was over.

"Isabelle that was awesome! I'm surprised someone that young has the guts to do that." Seth said, patting her on the back. She smiled as Dean approached her. "Great work, kid. Now get some rest, you have a big night ahead of you." Dean said and put his hand on the top of her shoulder near her neck and led her out of the ring. Isabelle had a confused look on her face. She didn't think she had a big night ahead of her. She was just at ringside with Dean while Seth and Roman faced the Rhodes Brothers. She shrugged and ignored that comment as she thought of a nice warm shower.


"Izzy let's go!" Dean hollered at her as she was finishing getting her last combat boot on. The boys had already started walking to the place where they were going to head through the crowd and she was shagging behind. "I'm coming!!" She hollered playfully and zipped up the last boot, then ran to them. "Well look who decided to join us." Dean smirked down at her. "Shut up!" Izzy said and punched him playfully on the arm. "I blame the makeup lady, she was being slow today." Izzy said, defending herself. Dean laughed and said "Excuses, excuses." Izzy rolled her eyes as they kept walking. Izzy kept walking and held her stomach as it growled, hoping Dean or the other two wouldn't hear it. Izzy hadn't eaten anything since that morning, when they ate breakfast at the hotel. Izzy was pretty reluctant to even touch a strip of bacon without the thought of throwing up. She would look at Dean worried, and he would nod at her comfortingly, signaling her to eat it. She did, but told herself she wouldn't eat anything else that day. She assured Dean that she would eat one of the protein bars after her wrestling lesson he saved for her but she didn't, and luckily Dean never asked about it.

She followed the guys to gorilla and couldn't help but feel a little lightheaded as always. She tried to ignore it as they stood behind the door, getting ready for their music to hit. Dean was in front of her and turned around to face her. "Did you eat that protein bar I left you?" He asked. She gulped, knowing this would happen. But right before she could answer, the music of:

"Sierra, hotel, india, echo, lima, delta...shield" filled the arena. He made a deep, serious eye contact with her and he finally turned around into the WWE universe, leaving Isabelle in a slight panic about what just happened. She acted like it didn't phase her as she went down the steps and over the barricade.

As the match went on, she started feeling worse and she was felt like her stomach was eating her alive, and almost like she just wanted to fall asleep and pass out, but tried not to show signs of it, afraid Dean would sense it. Luckily he was engrossed in the match and wasn't paying attention. She just wanted to get this match over with so they could get back to their hotel, but again, she didn't want to have the conversation with Dean about her protein bar.

The match finally ended and Dean and Izzy went in to congratulate Roman and Seth on their victory. Dean yelled for a microphone and said "We aren't finished here yet." And looked down at Izzy. Isabelle looked at him confused and he continued. "On behalf of Isabelle here, we issue an open challenge for AJ to come out and face her for the Divas title, right here, right now!" Dean's raspy voice filled the arena as Isabelle realized why they wanted her to get extra training and why he said she had a big night ahead of her. Isabelle panicked inside as she knew she couldn't compete while feeling like this. AJ's music hit as the boys were leaving the ring, but to stay at ringside, of course. Izzy grabbed Dean's arm as he was the last one in the ring. "What the hell? I'm not ready!" Izzy said, scared. Dean grabbed the side of her head with one arm and brought her closer to him and whispered in her ear: "Just do what you did at practice, I know you are." Dean said and left the ring. Isabelle turned around to see AJ and Tamina. AJ skipped and held her title high.

Isabelle looked back at Dean worried, as the bell rung 3 times. "Pay attention to her!" Dean yelled and pointed at AJ. She nodded and they locked up. AJ dominated most of the match, but she was determined to come back since they were about the same size, if not, Izzy was smaller and she couldn't let her guys down. She heard them cheering as she threw punch after punch at AJ and then did a powerful heel kick to her jaw, which made her fall to the ground, near the turnbuckle. Izzy's knees then locked as her legs felt like jelly and her eyesight started to fade and her head pounded in pain. She heard Dean and Seth yell "Moonsault!" And pointed to the turnbuckle. She used all of the strength she had left to climb the turnbuckle and get in position for a moonsault. But then she couldn't, she tried but her body wouldn't let her. She felt her legs give out on her and her eyes close while her head grieved in pain and dizziness as she fell forward off the top rope and hit her head against something hard and powerful and she automatically knew it was the steel steps. "Isabelle!" She heard someone shout. She barely knew what was going on as she saw a blurry Shield running towards her. "She hit her head, get Dr. Sampson!" She immediately heard Deans voice and 2 hands cuff the back of her head and face and place it on their lap. She looked up one more time and saw Dean as he bent down and whispered "Hang in there." She then closed her eyes and everything went black.

A/N: awww don't you love Dean and Izzy's relationship? I think it's so cute ^.^ well tell me what you think!! I love to hear what you guys think! :D thanks for reading! Xoxo -Emi

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