Chapter 15- This Can't be Happening

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I woke up in my hotel room to the bright sunlight hitting my eyes through the curtains. I look at the clock. 10:30. I groaned, wanting to fall back asleep and forget everything in reality that was going on. It was Wednesday, we had the rest of the week off until RAW which was pretty rare, but it was more than fine with me because I was not wanting to see Paige at all and I just needed a break to clear my mind.

I then changed into some camo shorts and a simple black t shirt and slipped on my low top converse and brushed my hair and that's when I heard my phone go off. I grabbed it off the night stand and sat down on the bed. My heart pounded wildly in my chest and I felt my stomach drop. It was a text from Sam. I reluctantly opened it and it read

Sam: Nice run on Smackdown, but remember, I know your little secret, and it only takes 1 person to tell the world.

Me: Why do you hate me...

Sam: Because of everything you've done to Jessica you bitch!

I thought about it for a second and stared at my phone quizzically. I had never ever done anything terrible to Jessica. I may not have liked her, but I never talked smack about her in front of him. For the most part I left her alone. She was the one that would make fun of me for wrestling. Whenever she passed me in the hallway and caught a glimpse of my locker and the wrestling pictures I had inside, she would yell "Hey everyone! Check out her locker! She's got the hobbie of a 5 year old!" And everyone would laugh, while Sam would just stand there.

Me: What are you talking about? I've never done anything to her!

Sam: oh stop lying you piece of sh*t! You know exactly what I'm talking about.

Me: I don't actually

Sam: Whatever, but you'll be sorry. I know of your bulimia Izzy, so you better be ready for it to backfire.

I swallowed hard into my throat and put my phone to sleep, feeling nauseous and wanting to cry. Was Jessica telling fake things about me to Sam? Is that what this is? I started bawling, because he was pretty much my only friend I've ever had because I was the freak at school--the girl who would do projects on wrestling and wore WWE shirts and covered her binders and notebooks of different superstars.

I needed help, before I felt a relapse coming. I stormed out of my room into the main room, where it was completely silent. "Dean?" I called out, looking through the different sections but saw no one. Then I saw a note on the table.

"Izzy we went to the gym, be back in a couple hours" -D

I wiped my tear stained eyes and went back into my room. I layed down on the bed and started thinking weird things. To everything with Paige, my mom, and Sam. It made me start to think of negative things about myself. I wanted to force myself to throw up again. But another part of me was saying no, and that I had to fight the urge. But then again there was a little voice telling me that since the guys weren't here, it would be the perfect time.

Then my phone went off again. It was a twitter notification. I checked it and it was from Paige.

"@IsabelleWWE: What u pulled on Smackdown was a big mistake. I have something huge planned for RAW. Be ready to cry to ur mommy."

I threw my phone on the bed and grabbed my hair on the sides of my head in fistfuls, breathing heavily and starting to cry. She had brought up my mom. And that was another one of my worries. I started to pace the room. All this stress was getting inside of me, ruining me. I gave in. I ran into the bathroom and immediately stuck my fingers down my throat and threw up. I couldn't deal with all this pain.

When I had thrown up all that remained in my stomach, I flushed the toilet and sat down, crying into my knees because of what I had just done. I was scaring myself. I had to tell the guys. But then again, I couldn't. I would be sent home and I couldn't live with that. I finally realized I should just take a nap until the guys came back. So I hopped on the top of the bed, and fell into a quick sleep needing to forget all this hell.


"Izzy, get up." Someone was slightly shaking me. It was Seth. I reluctantly opened up my eyes, still being insanely tired. My stomach felt uneasy, I felt like I was going to puke again. "You don't look so good Izzy, are you okay?" Seth asked me. And that's when it hit me, I felt it coming up. I pushed him to the side and ran into the bathroom. I heaved and heaved but nothing was coming out, due to my incident earlier. Seth rubbed my back as I continued heaving. After a couple minutes I was finally done. I felt terrible. "Dang girl what happened?" He asked me as I sat down on the tile floor across from the toilet. "No clue." Was all I said. I wasn't in the mood to see anybody or talk to anyone. So I stayed silent, but eventually Seth left the bathroom to get me some water.

I hated myself, I had just relapsed. Everything going on was just too much for me to handle I guess. Maybe Seth and Roman are right, maybe I should go home and see a real doctor. But I can't! I'm so close to winning my title again, I can't back out now. This would just have to wait.

*Monday Night Raw, 7 days until Extreme Rules*

So much for no more secrets. I had never told any of the boys that I had relapsed, and I would be sure that they didn't find out. I mean, I was under lots of stress, so it was okay right? I know it was wrong, and I keep trying to tell myself that I had a real problem, and to get help, but I ignored it. I had to win my title back, that was my #1 concern.

"How are you feeling today? You seem off." Dean snapped me out of my thought as we walked into the arena from the parking lot of screaming fans being monitored by the security guards. I gave a wave at the crowd of about 15 and then answered him. "How so?" "Well you seem to be...tired, sleep deprived. And you haven't wanted to eat any big meals ever since Seth mentioned you threw up last week." I shrugged. "Well I don't know, my appetite has just been off." Dean didn't answer me but I knew he was suspicious. I didn't play off that lie very well at all. "But guess what!" I said, trying to get him to stop thinking about it. "What's that?" He asked. "My birthday is on Sunday!" I said. "I can't believe you never told me! 15?" Dean responded. "I never really liked making my birthday a big deal that's why. And hell yeah!" He laughed a little. "I can finally drive legally with my permit." I said proudly. "Um yeah, not on my watch." He said. I rolled my eyes and punched his arm playfully.

When we got to our locker room, I changed into a simple black dress from forever 21 and my black low top converse. I then told the boys I was going to get my makeup done and then head to the canteen to catch up with some of the divas. I wasn't scheduled in a match tonight, but I was to be on commentary during Paige and Summer Rae's match, which was pretty early during the show.

*Paige vs. Summer Rae*

I calmly went to gorilla position and when I heard The Shield's music hit, I went out onto the ramp with a small smile as I slapped a couple of hands on my way down. I made my way to the commentators table and took a seat, while putting on the headphones. "Joining us now is the number one contender for Paige's title and member of The Shield, Isabelle. How are you Isabelle?" Michael Cole asked me. "I'm as ok as I can be!"  I answered simply. Then Paige came out, she went to the apron and threw her jacket off and screamed, then got into the ring and raised her title up in the air and smirked at me. I glared at her as Summer's music went off. "Isabelle I imagine you have to be upset by the way things played out a couple of weeks ago out on raw..." JBL started. "Yeah let's not go there." I said, messing with him. It was fun to do that, they always wanted information from you, and by not answering is the way for those 2 to get off your back. "How confident do you feel going into your divas title matchup this Sunday at Extreme Rules, Isabelle?" Michael asked me. "I'm as confident  as I can be. It's been a rough week but I'm willing to take all my anger out on Paige. The biggest match of her life is coming her way." I told him.

The match ended with Paige winning via the Paige Turner. She got up on the turnbuckle facing me and once again held the title up high. That made me livid. I slid the headphones off and stood up and glared daggers at her. She laughed and started to head out of the ring, but before she could leave I ran into the ring without her knowing and grabbed her hair, pulling her down onto the mat with full force. She held her head as I got on top of her and threw punch after punch at Paige. She pushed me off and scrambled to get free as a ref pulled me off her. I screamed in frustration as she ran up the ramp, clutching the title to her chest. This was going to be one hell of a fight at Extreme Rules. I was going to bring my A game. All my rage from my mom to Sam to my bulimia, was going to be taken out on her. She has no idea what's coming to her.

A/N: Wow! The first update in almost a year! I hope everyone enjoyed it! Im happy to be back and to be writing! I have BIG plans for this book, so stay tuned! <3

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