Chapter 14- A Boost of Confidence

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Chapter 14- A Little Boost of Confidence

I went through the backstage of the arena with an annoyed look on my face. I walked behind Dean as I felt the tears wanting to pour out. This is inanely annoying. I had lost my match against once of the most overrated divas and it was because of Paige. "Come here." Dean said, motioning me to follow him past the divas locker room. We went to a hallway that no one was in and he said "Sit." I sat down against a wall and brought my legs up to my chest. Dean squatted in front of me, staring at me in the eyes. "Any explanation?" I sighed. "I screwed up...again." "You sure did." "No one has ever gotten into my head like this." I told him. "Push her out. Paige is just trying to steal your spotlight because she knows your age and that you've accomplished more than her. Don't let her win." I nodded.

We talked for about 10 more minutes and then Dean said we had to get going. I headed into the divas locker room and AJ was the only one in there. It was kind of awkward, we hadn't spoken since our Wrestlemania match. "Hey." She said casually and came up to me as I packed my bag up. "Uh..hi." I said said, not making eye contact with her. "I actually just wanted to thank you." She told me. I stopped packing and looked up at her. "For what?" I asked. "You gave me that slap in the face at Wrestlemania. I let fame and success get to my head, and it changed me. " I nodded. "You're welcome...I guess." I said. "So I see you and Paige aren't exactly buddies." I sighed. "Not even close." "Listen...why don't I help you get back at her." I have her a confused look. "As much as I'd love that, why would I want your help? You were terrible to me." I told her. "I'm humbler now, I get it, my mind is clear. Besides, I have a thing against her too." I let out a deep breath through my nose and thought about it. "What do you have in mind?" I finally gave in. She smirked and started to explain her plan. "She has a match next, when she gets all fired up, we can play my music and go out and skip to distract her, I could even get you some mic time." I nodded. "If that's ok with the guys I mean..." She stuttered out. "Oh I really don't care what they think, I want to do this." I told her. "Good. You best get changed out of ring gear, the match is starting." She pointed to the screen in the locker room.

I changed into jeans and a Shield shirt before slipping on combat boots.


AJ's music hit the loud speakers of the arena and the crowd cheered. AJ took my hand and we skipped down to the ring. Paige had a bewildered look on her face as she tried to focus on her match but AJ and I continued to skip around the ring, giving her innocent looks. She shouted at us to stop, but she turned around to Brie Bella's finisher as she pinned her for the win. I evilly smiled at Paige as Brie's music played.

Brie left the ring and then I grabbed a mic from AJ and went into the ring. "Now how does it feel to be distracted during your match Paige? Do you feel the embarrassment?" I smirked at her as she stood up. "You're just a rookie who cares about nothing but herself and only wants the championship for the fame and glory. You don't give a damn about this business unlike some people." I said, motioning to me and and to AJ who was slightly behind me. The crowd cheered at my words. "And at Extreme Rules, I am officially stating my rematch clause. You better be ready Paige, because it's about time that title goes back to it's rightful owner." I said, pointing to the title on her shoulder. I dropped the mic at her feet and AJ and I left the ring, with the Shield's music playing and Paige looking annoyed and shocked.


"That was the Izzy we know and love." I heard a voice behind me as AJ and I walked back to the Locker room. I turned around and saw Seth and Roman walking towards me. I gave AJ a small hug as she left us. "Don't get me wrong, that was pretty awesome, but you and AJ....what?" Seth asked, confused. "She pretty much told me that she was sorry about the Wrestlemania thing and she thanked me for bringing her back into reality. She told me she had unfinished business with Paige, so we just did it." I shrugged. They nodded. "By the way your BFF is in catering." Roman told me. I titled my head in confusion. He smiled and rolled his eyes playfully. "Dean." He said obviously. He patted my shoulder and said "We're heading to the hotel. See you in the morning, Izz." They left and then I headed for catering where I saw Dean talking to Cesaro. I walked up to them and Dean said bye to him and we headed through some of the hallways again until we were alone. "So, what was that all about?" He asked me. I explained everything to him and he nodded, saying it was good I stuck up to her.

Extreme Rules is going to be one insane fight.

A/N: sorry this is short, but there will be more action in the next chapter I swear! Xoxo -Emi

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