Atlantis Riptide -Chapte Nine B

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Chapter Nine B

Seriously Stingy Sitch

Swallowing the fist-sized lump in my throat, I placed my mouth over his and blew my warm breath into him. Blew my special breath into his lungs and his veins. Blew my magical breath to save his life.

Holding him around the waist, I let our bodies sink into the water. Once his head was covered, I put my hand to his chest. His heart still beat. His lungs moved in and out. I relaxed with the rhythm of his chest moving up and down.

Chase could now breathe underwater.

At least temporarily.

I dragged him down to the sandy bottom where there were no jellies. Similar to my nightmare, only this time I was the one dragging a person underwater. I didn’t know how long my breath would last so to be sure, I placed my mouth against his again and blew.

As our lips touched, his body stiffened. I stared into his blue orbs, bright and clear. Chase was alert.

And his expression reminded me of Alonso’s.

I gritted my teeth, waiting for his reaction. The beating of my heart went on a holding pattern. Would Chase fear me?


 Chase’s lips moved but no sound came out. Yet I could hear him. Or at least understand him.

“Did you understand my question?”

Just like the otter.

This was impossible. I’d never spoken to anyone underwater before. Then again, I’d never been with anyone underwater before for any length of time.

He reached for his throat. An expression of horror froze on his face realizing what was going on. “What’s happening to me? What am I doing underwater, breathing, like you?”

“I can explain.” I tasted bitterness in my mouth and it spread through my veins. Would Chase keep his distance? Would he cross himself every time he saw me at the Boardwalk?

He wiggled against my hold and I let go. My heart squeezed with the imprint of his fingers. I might’ve just let him go for good.

His gaze darted about. “How did you do this?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “It was the only way to escape.”

“What’re we doing down here? At the bottom of the frickin’ ocean?”

Somehow, I heard panic in his thoughts. Which confused me even more. I understood him, but his lips weren’t moving. We were talking, but we weren’t. And not only did I understand him, but I heard his tone of voice.

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