Chapter Five

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 “Can’t get you off my mind

Look at me and you will find

Time after time it seems

I’ll say what I don’t mean” - Open Your Ears, Ed Sheeran


“Yes!” I hiss.

“What?” asks Harry, walking up to the computer.

“The girl, Tierney, she posted two new videos” I say. “Well, her sister did.” I click on the first one. One Thing, by One Direction. Us. Me.

They're fooling around a bit before she starts singing, making me laugh. And if I laugh, all the other lads want to know what I'm laughing at, and by the time the singing actually starts, they're all crowded around the computer.

“Wow” says Louis when she's done. “You didn't call dibs, right?”

“Go for it” Harry says. “Who respects dibs anymore?”

“Me!” I say. “I call.”

“I don't respect dibs” Louis decides.

“Not fair” I grumble.

“Totally fair” Louis replies.

“Not” I reply.

“Yes” Louis says.

“Stop!” says Harry. “We're not even in the same country as her!”

“And?” ask Louis and I at the same time. Harry shakes his head.

“Whatever” he says. “You guys are sad.”

“Not” we say at the same time again.

“Woah, this video already has nearly a million hits” Liam points out. “Crazy.”

“That's what happens when Nialler gives them free advertising on live TV” Harry says. I blush. I'm not quite sure why.

“Aw, he's blushing!” teases Louis. I hit him lightly on the arm.

“Leave him alone, mate” says Zayn. Someone's mobile rings.

“Got it!” shouts Harry. “Hello? Fine. Be there soon.” He hangs up. “Management wants to talk to us” he says.

“What did you do?” Liam asks Louis.

“Nothing!” Louis says. “That they could know about . . .”

“I don't think we're in trouble” says Harry.

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