Chapter Eight

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Walls of insincerity,

Shifting eyes and vacancy

Vanished when I saw your face

All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you” - Enchanted, Taylor Swift


“She's coming TODAY!” shouts Louis, running past the door to my room.

“Calm down!” shouts Liam, but Louis ignores him. Of course.

But Louis' right. Tierney's coming today. And they decided that she would room with me until the tour actually starts. I've never had to live with a girl, even for a few days. So to say I'm a bit nervous would be an understatement. I'm terrified.

“TODAY!” shouts Louis, running past my doorway again.

“Shut up!” shouts Liam from the kitchen. I want to laugh, but I feel like if I open my mouth . . . well, it wouldn't be pretty. Let's just say that.

“Niall!” shouts Harry. “Get in here!” I sigh, and drag myself out of my bed. It was inevitable, really.

“What?” I ask grumpily when I reach the kitchen. They're all gathered around the table, with the exception of Louis, who's still running around the flat crazily.

“Well, you've got a girl coming” Harry says, grinning. “I thought we ought to talk about this.” I roll my eyes at him.

“And what is there to talk about?” I ask. “She's only here for two days.” Harry grins. I'm suspicious.

“Yeah, mate, and then she's in our tour bus for a few months” he points out.

“What are we talking about?” asks Louis, sliding into the room. I feel an insane urge to join him, sliding 'round the flat in his socks. Looks like fun.

“Niall's girlfriend” Harry says bluntly.

“I'm not even going to bother to correct you” I inform him. He grins. The doorbell rings. I'm not even going to pretend like the words shooting through my mind are child-friendly.

“Get the door” says Harry. Louis grabs my hand and pulls me up a bit harder then necessary, and I go sliding across the floor. You know what I said earlier, about wanting to join Louis? Never mind that. I trip over the carpet, and fall flat on my face. Louis hops carefully over me and pulls the door open before I can even get up.

“Who ordered pizza?” he asks. I sigh. “Just kidding” he says, pushing the door open all the way. A girl is standing there. The girl. Tierney.



“Hello” I say. Seeing as all of them are silent, I think it'd be best for me to break the ice a bit. And I sort of wonder why Niall's lying on the floor. He's blushing beet-red.

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