6-Home Sweet Home

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Previously- Y/n screamed Jungkook's name in agony. Jungkook had made her orgasm. He continued his actions and y/n yelled out his name. She loved it.

Jungkook exited his fingers from y/n's core

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Jungkook exited his fingers from y/n's core. His finger was wet as he placed it in y/n's face. She grabbed  his finger and inserted it in her mouth, she sucked on it like she did his penis. She sucked onto his fingers vigorously, each lick revealed a new taste of herself.

-{Time Skip}-

Jungkook lay on the couch, deep into his sleep. Y/n sat on the couch across him, fully clothed, contemplating what she had just done. She cheated on Taehyung and she enjoyed it. But how?
Y/n ran out of the house in a hurry, it was dark and cold outside. She continued to run, as far as her slender legs could take her, as far as her body allowed her to go. Her ink black hair was flying behind her like Superman's cape in a hurricane. Y/n's brown eyes were wide open, they flickered under the bright streetlights above her. Every light she passed exposed her frightened self to the world; thoughts came crashing through her mind. If Taehyung ever found out? What would he do?
Y/n stopped. With her hands on her knees she bent over and took deep breaths in and slowly exhaled. Staring at the dark pavements now front of her, she contemplated. Her eyes twitching and wide open.
Why? What am I doing? This isn't fair.
It was dark outside, there was no way y/n could grab a ride back to her house. She took it upon herself to walk as far as she could. Throughout the night y/n crossed silent streets and looked up at the cloudy skies above her.
Y/n looked onto the pitch black road and covered her eyes with her arms as bright car lights glared from the distance. As the car got closer, the more visible it was to y/n. It was a white Honda being driven by a man, roughly y/n's age.
He pulled down the windows and stared at y/n, his dark eyes were wide and his mouth slowly opened.
"No way. Y/n?" He said.
"Huh? How do you know me?"
"Don't you remember? I sat next to you in Advanced Algebra in high school."
"Wait. J-jimin?" Y/n murmured,"I do remember you! I copied off of your exam and the teacher thought it was you that cheated!"
"Yep. That's me..." Jimin said embarrassed with his cheeks slowly going red.
"What are you doing driving around at this hour?"
"I was driving to my house. It was a friends birthday party." Jimin replied,"What are you doing walking around this hour?"
Y/n smiled and skipped his entire question in general. She said goodbye and slowly walked away; Jimin looked at her as she moved passed his car.
"Hold on!" He exclaimed from the edge of his seat, almost pouring out of the windows,"You never answered my question."
"It's a long story." Y/n looked back at him kindly, "I don't deserve to be treated innocently anyway, so you can cut your charade."
Y/n walked away slowly. Jimin rolled down the windows to the absolute bottom and watched y/n walk down the pathway slowly. He reversed his car quickly to get within speaking range of y/n who was speeding up.
"What do you mean by that?" Jimin asked, hoping she'd answer him so he could gain a better idea of her story.
"I did something unforgivable." Y/n replied quietly, "I don't know what came over me."
Jimin unlocked the back doors to his car and offered y/n a spot in the back of his car. She looked at him and opened the doors.
"Thank you."
She sat in the back seat of Jimin's car and leaned against the windows. Gazing up at the dark sky above her. She watched the dark clouds swathe across the heavens in an ominous cloak of shadows; all pinpricks of silver light were obliterated, like watching the painting, Starry Night come to life with the dramatic swirls of the clouds blurring the moonlight from above. It was oddly calming to watch something be cast from view- perhaps it was the fact that they were so far away or maybe it was because sense of peace that the night brought to y/n. Either way, the comfortability of the silence which smothered her was one of tranquility, not one that put y/n on edge, she was at one with the darkness that surrounded her.
Jimin looked straight onto the road, the lines that separated both lanes looked as if they was flickering as each car zoomed passed them.
The silence inside the car created an atmosphere for both Jimin and y/n that couldn't help but feel awkward for them. Each waiting for the other to break the ice with a joke or a harmless question. But the quiet prevailed throughout the night.
"So... Where do you live?" Jimin asked, casually breaking the silence as if there was none to begin with.
Y/n looked forward and directed Jimin to her home. He took a left and then a right and so on until she was home; her small comfy apartment, the only place she felt truly safe.

-{Time Skip}-

"The first turn after the roundabout." Y/n indicated to Jimin.
He listened and went around the roundabout, like you're supposed to. The next turn led into an narrow street with large apartment complexes on either side of the street.
"Which one is yours?" He asked.
"The building down the road with the grey accented columns." Y/n replied, "It's the only one with grey in its design."
Jimin drove past each building that towered over the other. A new colour accent went with every complex, indigo, violet, burgundy. Finally, they both reached the green accented apartment building, Jimin unlocked the car doors for y/n.
"Thank you for just about everything tonight. Even though you just met me after what seems to be forever." Y/n said gratefully.
"Anytime." Jimin replied.

and ima leave it off at note. thanks for reading. can i get 5 votes?

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