7- Journal

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the song that accompanies the chapter isnt bts because

a) it goes well with the chapter.

b)i like it.

c) bts has a new album and most of the songs have positive vibes (cant relate) so it wouldnt feel right with the next few chaps.

d) i can

e) i wanna waste space so it looks longer because you will need to scroll/turn pages more ofter than usual.

f) it doesnt really go with the chapter too much but i like it and wanna play it while wrting the chapter.

Jimin drove off as y/n scurried to the apartment entrance. She looked back and waved at him with a smile on her face. Jimin smiles back at her and pulled up the windows and slowly drove away.

Y'/n ran up multiples flights of stairs and rushed to her apartment door. She was in such a hurry, she scratched the already lacerated doorknob repeatedly with her apartment keys. The key found its way through the keyhole (dats what she said. hehe) and unlocked the door to her apartment. Y/n pressed the switch beside the door and the lights flickered throughout the living room.

She closed the door behind her and slowly moved towards the comfortable sofa placed in the centre of the lightly furnished room. Y/n dropped onto the sofa and exhaled heavily. She silently sat down and slowly drifted away into the night.
The next morning came with the click of a finger. The clouds covered the sky, bringing in another drab day to the city of Seoul.
Y/n stared up at the white ceiling that hovered over her every day and every night. Her eyes moved from one side to the other, locking down every detail on the ceiling like she'd do every time she felt as of she did something wrong. Which is what she did a majority of the time after going out late for a 'few' drinks.
The Marimba ringtone off of her phone went off and a call from Taehyung came in. Y/n picked up her phone and answered the incoming call.
"Hello?" She said.
"Y/n! I just wanted to call because I missed you a lot!" Taehyung exclaimed in joy.
"... I missed you too!" Y/n replied,"How are your parents?"
"They're great. I told them about you." He answered
Y/n paused for a moment and spoke, "Oh... really? What do they think?"
"They like you a lot, I think." Taehyung replied, "Anyways, I gotta go, parents these days, aye!"
Y/n awkwardly laughed at Taehyung and said goodbye to him just before the call ended. She got up from her still stance and walked into the kitchen which was only 5 or so steps away and rummaged through the fridge.
Her eyes analysed the fridge, searching every corner for a light snack. She found a packet of cookies she bought from the supermarkets a few days prior hidden behind large containers of rice and salads.
Y/n grabbed the cookies and placed them on a plate then poured milk into a cup. She moved it all into her room and just sat on her bed, munching down on the cookies she dipped into the milk.

-{The Next Day}-

Y/n opened a notepad that she had kept for the entire year, writing down her the key points of her day in every page, she liked to call it her bullet journal when in reality it was nothing but a diary. She had her black pen in her hand and started to write as much as she could. Her hands moved so fast her normally neat handwriting was unreadable.

Journal Entry #266

I did something, I did something horrible. Even now, I still can't think about what I just did.

This morning I took a test and it came back positive, what do I do? Should I lie? Or should I come forward with it? If only there was an actual excuse like I got accidentally artificially inseminated, but does it look like I'm Jane Villanueva?

Alternatively, I could say that he raped me, but that is literally horrible and I kind of liked it. Taehyung wouldn't believe me, Jungkook is his best friend of many years. He only met me like a month ago.

Abortion? Starve it? Kill myself? I don't know! How could I possibly lie about or kill Jungkook's baby! I'm at a fork in the fucking road right now and I don't know what to do. Take the high road? Just keep going on with life and isolate myself from Taehyung and Jungkook?

Damn, I wish mum was still around to guide me. I can't even get help from my little brother, Seojun, he is in Melbourne with his perfect wife, Kiara and their perfect son, Myles.

-{2 Days}-

There was a loud knock at y/n's door. that echoed throughout the apartment.
"Y/n! It's me!"
Y/n recognised the deep voice the moment she heard it, it was Taehyung. She ran from her room to the front door and pulled it opened.
"Tae Tae!" She exclaimed excitedly.
Y/n jumped up at Taehyung and he caught her in his arms.
"I missed you so, so, so, so much, y/n!" He exclaimed in pure bliss, after finally seeing his girlfriend after what seemed like an eternity and a half.
"I missed you too, bebsie!" Y/n replied loudly while squeezing Taehyung in a bear hug.
Taehyung and y/n's lips locked onto one another as they blindly walked into the apartment. He lay her down on the couch and sat down next to her. Y/n placed her head on his lap and they started a deep conversation about everything that happened while they were apart.

"How was everything? Did you get bored?" He asked her eagerly.

"It was horrible. It was like if I was a prisoner and the city was the jail cell!" Y/n answered.

"Wow, even trying to imagine a world without me is a punishment on its own!" Taehying laughed.

Y/n laughed and continued to speak of her 'torture' to Taehyung as he listened attentively to every word that left her mouth. He smiled while y/n was describing how drab everything felt without him, even the kimchi.

"How was Jungkook?" Taehyung asked her.

"Huh? O-oh, Jungkook!" Y/n stuttered, slowly heating up.

Tell him about it! Keep it a secret until everything blows over, he shall never know! Throw your body on him and make him think the baby is his!

"J-jungkook was great," she lied, "He was really nice and I look forward to meeting him again soon."

Taehyung believed her and they continued to talk about everything in each other's lives. From childhood stories to plans in the future, nothing was off the board with these two. Except for maybe a few dark secrets in y/n's past regarding her family, which she has lied about multiple times. Every lie being as inconsistent as the other.

'They met when they were 16 and still love each other today.'

'My mothers family ran a large business in Busan but she gave it all up for my dad.'

'I was born in Canada, where my parents were on holiday. They still live there.'

'I am an only child and kind of hate it, I wish I had a sibling!'

No one ever knew anything about y/n's childhood and no one ever will break into her shell that surrounds her deepest inner turmoils. Y/n had kept everything under wraps for so long, all the secrets, sadness and anger has slowly built up to now. How much longer does she have until everything spills?

sup, im mad thirsty. can i get 5 votes? luh yah!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2018 ⏰

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