C H A P T E R: 7

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"Rise and Shine little bitches " Jace yelled, banging both pans together like he did before. "We have to hurry! "
"Fuck off, " Jessie groaned, turning on to her side and covering her face with her arm.She threw the nearest thing to her, which was a shoe, and by the groan that she heard, she could tell that he got hit.
"Come on, " William appeared beside Jace, walking over to Sophia and dragging her out of the tent by her feet. "Time to wake up! "
"Zoo zhat again and I'll kick you, " Sophia sleepily grumbled stubbornly, not minding the cold yet soft snowy ground she was laying on.
"No.I don't think you can do that, " William snickered, staring at the sleepy form that was Sophia.
"Watch me, " Sophia kicked him in his torso since he was still holding on to her feet.
"Ack! " William groaned, holding his stomach in pain and dropping her in the process. "That hurt! "
"Just let me wake them up, " Clary walked in the tent,pushing Jace out of the way in the meantime. "You boys don't know how to wake up girls at all. "
"Whatever, " Jace rolled his eyes, walking over to check on the fish they were having for breakfast.
"Wake up Jessie, " Clary softly shook Jessie, pulling the blanket of her. "Wake up.Come on. "
"But I don't want to! " Jessie whined,trying to look for the warmth she had on. "Gimme back my blanket."
"If you don't wake up, We'll leave without you," Clary began to walk out the tent, her head turned to look at Jessie as she walked out.
"Addio, " Jessie grumbled,lifting a hand up and letting it fall after. "Arrivederci."
"Come on Jessie! " Clary entered the tent again, seeing that Jessie didn't walk out the tent Like she was supposed to. "We have breakfast ready already! "
"Breakfast? " Jessie grumbled, opening one eye to look at Clary.
"Yes! " She exclaimed and gestured Jessie to come out. "Now come! "
"Fine, " Jessie groggily sat up,blinking a few times to rid of her sleepiness. She slowly stood up, stretching and walking out right after, only to see Sophia's body on the floor.
"Sophie? " Jessie went over to her side and shook her up. "Wake up. If I have to wake up then you have to wake up as well! "
"Alright,Alright!" Sophia stretched her hand out, silently meaning that she wanted to be pulled up.
Jessie grabbed onto her hands and pulled her up,now sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
"Ugh, " Sophia groaned,tiredly standing and walking with Jessie over to where their other friends sat, eating their share of breakfast.
"Give me mi breakfazt," Sophia grumbled,holding her hand out and open. "I'm hungry. "
Jace handed her a fish before she sat down,hungrily chowing down the fish.
"More! " Sophia exclaimed, her mouth full of food."I need ze food! "
"Don't talk with your mouth full, " Clary instructed, handing another fish nonetheless. "That's disgusting. "
"Kay mozher, " Sophia chirped, her mouth still full of fish, basically ignoring the piece of advice she just said.
Clary sighed, continuing eating her piece of fish.
"So,where do we go now? " Jessie asked, playing with the stick that was used to hold the fish and continuing on with sarcasm lacing her voice. "The Goddess basically just gave us some riddle that we don't even understand. How helpful. "
"The prophecy said south though. Maybe the cave is there, " William explained, keeping his head low and staring at the ground, thinking.
"The goddess also said something about the 'Daughter of Day'?" Jace leaned back, his arms on either side of him. "What's that supposed to be? "
"I zon't know but I zidn't think Zay had a zaughter," Sophia placed her sticks down, her legs spread into a V.
"She said it'll try to stop us, " Clary worriedly said, her eyebrows furrowed.
"Then we'll just have to stop them as well, " William declared, standing up and wiping specks of snow on his pants. "Let's go.We have to hurry before night falls upon us. "
"Alright, " His team chorused,standing up as well and beginning to wrap everything up.

"Are you zure zhis iz zouth? " Sophia asked, looking at the compass William had in his hands.
"The arrow points to it, " William shrugged,continuing walking and leading the way.
"Oww, " Clary massaged her sore feet, leaning against a tree. "My feet hurt. "
A rustle was heard behind her, making her tense up and turn around slowly.She saw something like a shadow hurriedly going to another tree, so fast that it was simply a blur to her.
"What was...that? " Clary squinted her eyes, thinking that her eyes must be playing tricks on her. "I need glasses. "
"Clary! Come on! " Jace yelled, waving his hand in the air as he waited for his sister to come.
"I... Okay! " Clary speed walked, turning her head one last time before focusing on walking again.
"Why did you stop?" Jace asked,stepping over a root and looking at his sister with a worried look. "Is something wrong? "
"Nothing. My foot just hurts, " Clary forced a smile,avoiding his gaze and focusing on Jessie, who was hopping over roots like a crazy person.
"Careful! " Sophia scolded, looking at her laughing friend worriedly. "You might 'urt yourzelf! "
"Rel—oof! " Jessie tripped over a root, the ground feeling like a soft pillow as she fell with a thud.
"I zold you! " Sophia stopped in her tracks as she looked down to scold her stupid best friend. "Iv you only liszented to me! "
"Oops? " Jessie looked up, a cheeky grin etched into her snow covered face.
Jace went over to help her up.He held his own hand out for her to grab and she gladly took it, Jace pulling the girl up.
"Thanks! " Jessie gratefully said, wiping snow of her clothes with her hands.
"Vhat am I gonna zoo wiz you?" Sophia wiped the snow that she had missed, Clary helping along.
"Meh, " Jessie shrugged,standing awkwardly,waiting for the two girls to finish removing snow off of her.
"Finishz, " Sophia stopped, patting her friend's head softly."Go! "
"Che cosa? " Jessie stared at her confusedly, tilting her head slightly. "What do you mean go? We're going in the same direction! "
Jessie tugged on Sophia's arm,pulling her along as she walked,following William.

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