prologue: I hate goodbyes...

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I mewed at my brother and sister who names were, Red and blue. Red was a Ginger Tom with amber eyes and blue was a dark gray almost blue color fur as she splashed me with Street water. I leaped at her. "Kitten pile!" yowled Red playfully as he sent both Blue and I into a pool of Street water. We were giggling as our mother who we called Goldflower because of her shiny gold color pelt and her green eyes reminded me of a stem I saw on a flower by the flower shop near here. She purred at us playing but the noticed our pelts were dirty and sighed "Red,Blue,(Y/N) come over here now please!" She mewed as we happily went over to goldflower as she took red by the scruff and swiped her tongue over his pelt cleaning it. He made a very  mad pouting face as Blue and I watched giggling. "What's so funny? Your gonna get cleaned too!" Red muttered looking at us. We only continued to giggle at his expression until goldflower picked up Blue and started to clean her pelt. I slowly began to creep away before Goldflower grabbed me by my scruff and swiped her tongue over my pelt Making it as white as snow! I saw Red and Blue look over to me as they padded up to me." Let play hide n' seek!" squeaked Blue. Red nodded in agreement as Red and I said "not it!" Before blue as she Huffed and went to count. I smiled as I dashed into a vent and went deep into the dark musty vent as I waited.

I heard Goldflower yowl then a clunk and a crash as I heard Red and Blue wail "Help us!" Then it went quite. They're probably trying to trick me to get out of my hiding spot, they do this all the time. I stayed put for what seemed to be hours was minutes as I slowly peaked my head out and walked back to were the sound was and saw the three  bloody body's of Goldflower, Red, and Blue. I ran up to the crying as it started to rain as Red barely looked at me as a tear trickled down from his face and said barely a whisper "Goodbyes are....the saddest" he mewed then closing his eyes. I looked at the three limp bloody body's. I couldn't take the pain in my heart and her the clanking of metal as I saw a human throw a bloody bat into a dumpster then run away as the rain began to pour down on me and the lifeless bodies of my family then I whispered walking out of our alley "I hate goodbyes..."

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