4:big mistake

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It's been a few months, I stared outside the window as snow gently covered the ground like a thick blanket of snow. I purred as I saw that smile dog had just came out from his bath, I giggled swaying my tail as I leaped of the window sill elegantly as my tail gently swayed as I saw Toby annoying Masky as I purred as Masky growled and got up and walked off as Toby followed him. I then swipped my tongue over my long fluffy fur and then went into Ben's room were I saw Sliver playing video games with Ben or I like to call him Link boy. I pretty much have nicknames for everyone here even offender! Who I call Perv man! And trender fashion man and splendor Fun man and the tall one know as slender man, I just call him tall man. I even gave  smile dog and Jeff a nickname! Jeff I call smiling Guy and I call Smile dog scary dog...for *cough*....reasons. I walked through the halls seeing the same black and red cat from month's earlier. He padded up to me " hello pretty kitty " he purred. "What did you just call me " I growled lashing my tail flattening my ears. "Nothing" he purred as lashed my tail  and padded off as I then saw out the corner of my eye, seeing the cat pad up to Jeff, talking to him. I saw Sally and Ben decorating the tree in the living room. I twitched my ears than walking to Slivers room seeing that he was talking to Glitchy red. I didn't give him a nickname...because if I did...it would of remind me of my brother... Red. I then walked off lost in thought of siblings and my mother feeling the aching feeling in my heart as I couldn't control my paws as I accidentally walked into Sally's room....big mistake

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