3:that means you can't eat me

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The boy looked at me as I twiched my ears then I heard a yell "Sliver! Come on!" The I saw what seemed to look like link but with black eyes and red irises. Sliver then floated away with the link person. I yawned, I hadn't felt a comfortable and warm place in weeks, I wonder...if there's more to this boy's room? I leaped off the bed and peaked my head out of the door and looked down the hall. I then ran down the hall and looked down the stairs swishing my tail. "I can do this! " I mewed then taking a step and I missed that step hitting every other step. I finally got a platform and I rolled off if than hitting another flight of steps until I reached the bottom. I got to my paws slightly dizzy and went in a circle trying to walk. I then smell of food hit me, I licked my lips as I followed the smell as I walked into a room with a big metal thing, kinda looked like a sliver dumpster with black circle thing on the top. I looked around then walked into another room that seemed to be a dining room. I saw some people sitting at table chatting and most of them were eating as I heard a growl and turned my head to the most scariest dog I've ever seen. It was red and black with a fairly creepy smile and it looked like it had no nose and it's ears  were flattened permanently. I looked at the dog as it barked making my fur spike up and it kept barking and growling until a teen looked under the table, he had very pale skin with a carved smile and pitch black longish short hair. "Get it smile" the guy said as the dog know as smile raged at me as I yowled dashing out of there, I ran faster and saw another cat but he was red and black too, but I kept running faster and faster until I had a plan. I saw a corner and zipped into the corner and stayed there until the dog stopped at the corner confused, I then leaped at his head bitting his ears, well his head actually but I made him yelp as I slashed his muzzled then he flung me into the wall. I yowled in pain as I saw the dog approaching me as I squeezed my eyes shut as I could feel the dog breathing on me, I knew I was a goner then I heard the one know as sliver yell "Smile stop! Bad dog!" Then I opened my eyes to see sliver in from of me as leaped into what was there of his arms as I saw a very tall slender being with a tuxedo on and a red tie, he had no face it was just as blank as a sheet of paper. I then saw the guy from earlier with the craved smile along with a boy who looked like from Pokemon red but he was glitched alittle. "Why is that cat inside the house sliver?" The tall man said. Sliver was lost for words...I could tell as he looked down as the boy from Pokémon red spoke up " if Jeff and Ej can have a pet then why can't sliver?" Then i saw a boy pop out of a corner "Don't bring Seedeater into this!" The boy yelled slightly, he had a blue mask with black stuff dripping down off of the mask and he was wearing a dark gray hoodie. The tall man stopped thought for a moment and then nodded "then very well, sliver you may keep the kitten" I twiched my ears looking at the dog and smirked "That means you can't eat me"

lost sliver X kittenReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz