1: Mew?

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I walked the streets as my snow white fur was now muddy and wet as rain poured down the sky. I looked out at the street looking both ways then crossing knowing no car would stop or see me due to how small I was, I was only eight weeks old. I ran as fast as I could as a car screeched to a stop and honked. I whimpered as I felt everyone hated me as I ran into an alley with my ears flat against my head as I hid under a dumpster shaking as I knew I'll never feel the warmth Goldflower or Blue and Red gave me when I was scared, I know that was all gone forever, as I was deep in my thoughts I heard a girl scream, I perk my ears up and slowly crawl out of under the dumpster as I looked where the scream came from and saw that a fire escape ladder was down as I leaped step by step as I finally reached the window as leaped to the window and got my front paws on the sill but not my feet. I used my hin legs against the wall and pushed up as I fell into the room as I saw a dead girl and looked at the room, it had been once a baby blue wallpaper,now covered in dark red writing which was blood and I read the writing on the walls, "IMDEAD" and "R.I.P" I twiched my ears. "What did R.I.P mean?" I thought then saw out of the corner of my eye was a boy, his appreance scared me alittle, he was wearing a gold outfit from Pokemon but it was black and white and black and had deathly white skin and he was missing his arms and legs. The only color on him was his blood tears and blood red irises. It frightened me to see a boy like this, and I could smell sadness on him but I didn't even notice that I mewed "mew?"

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