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Narrative POV

As Millie was absorbed in her book during the free read time at the beginning of Language Arts class, the click of a door opening and closing distracted her.

She ripped her eyes away from her book and saw none other than Finn Wolfhard walking into class late. His hair was ruffled and there was a pink stain on the collar of his shirt.

Finn Wolfhard, Millie thought to herself. The "heart throb" of the school.

Millie scoffed out loud. Millie hated him. Finn looked around, and pulled up his green bomber jacket to try and conceal the pink lipstick on his shirt, but it was no use.

"Late again, Mr. Wolfhard?" Mrs. Ryder says with a stern voice.

"Second time this week," she adds, "take a seat, and start reading." She marks something up on her clipboard.

Finn slowly and reluctantly makes his way over to his seat, which happens to be directly behind Millie.

Millie rolled her eyes and resumed reading her book.

"Pssst!" Someone whisper yells.

"Pssst," and Millie is tapped on the shoulder.

She turns around to see Finn, with a stupid smirk. She rolls her eyes.

"Got any gum?" He whispers.

"Yeah, not giving you any though."

"Oh come on? Please?" Finn begs with puppy dog eyes.

Millie doesn't know what comes over her, but her face softens, and she complies. Pulling out a piece of perfectly wrapped, mint gum from her pencil case.

When she places it in his hand, her finger tips brush his palm, and Finn smiles, no stupid smirk plastered across his face, but what seems like, a genuine smile.

Something small flutters for a second in Millie's stomach at the sight of his smile. She didn't know what it was, so she ignored it.

"Thanks," he whispers.

"Yeah." And Millie turns back around to read.


*Final bell*

Millie was walking back to her locker, when she realized someone had already made it there before her. Ugh it was him.

But no, he wasn't waiting for Millie. He didn't even know that this was her locker. He was too busy sucking face with some blonde chick, but she had red lipstick... not pink?

You'd think the school heartthrob would be someone with an actual heart, not a heartbreaker, Millie thinks to herself.


"Excuse me?" Millie says harshly.

This takes Finn by surprise, most girls would think they're lucky to have the Finn Wolfhard on her locker. When he didn't move, Millie shoved his shoulder off her locker, the girl still laying against him.

"Thank you," she said sarcastically.

Finn was scratching his head in confusion, as he gently pushes the blonde girl off of him.

"Sorry it's not going to work out," he says. They'd only begun dating yesterday. She looked incredibly confused, and hurt.

As Millie was leaving, he realized something. She wasn't like any other girl, she was a challenge. And he was going to accept that challenge.

A/n: oh Finn, when will he learn that girls aren't challenges? Not games for his enjoyment. Will he ever have a change in heart? I hope you enjoyed. To be continued...

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