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"So this is how to be a heartbreaker," Gaten says emphasizing 'this' and gesturing towards me.

What did he mean? Okay yeah, I've dated a lot of girls, but heartbreaker? Then, images of two days ago flashed through my mind.

Gaten's right, I'm a heartbreaker.

"So who's next," Caleb says in a disappointed yet interested manner.

"I, uh... don't know," I say playing it off.

"What? You're telling me Finn, the Heartbreaker, Wolfhard doesn't know who's next?" Gaten says in a sarcastic, surprised tone.

"I was thinking more then one," I say, instantly regretting it. Okay, I was a heartbreaker, but I am not a cheater. I just said that to play it off cool to my friends.

But who am I kidding? I'm not cool.

"Rule number one, is that you gotta have fun," I say slyly.

I kind of want to stop my heartbreaker act, but I don't know how... or maybe I don't want to stop it at the same time.

All I know is that it's getting a bit... boring. I need a challenge.

"So," Jack finally joins the conversation.

"I'm thinking I need more of a challenge," I say while running my hand through my hair.

Jack perks up, "A challenge?"

Gaten leans in from his spot, "Like someone who isn't already in love with you?" Gaten says in an exaggerated lovey-dovey voice.

"I have an idea," Jack says seriously.

"How about that Millie chick?"

And so it begins...
(Short filler chapter, but important for the plot)

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