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Finn couldn't stop thinking about her. He didn't know why. But at the most random times, thoughts of the girl who gave him a piece of gum, and then shoved him later, kept creeping into his head.

Finn rubbed his eyes and checked his phone.  7:50 a.m

"Shit!" Finn says under his breath, and throws the covers off of him. The bell for first period rings in ten minutes.

He could NOT be late again, or Mr. Anderson would loose his shit. He ran into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. And attempted to make his hair less messy, but it was useless.

He rinsed his face off in the sink and brushed his teeth in speed mode. he Rushed over to his closet. He threw on a pair of black jeans and a white shirt, along with his worn down black converse. (Classic Finn attire)

He grabbed his keys and was out the door. He considered speeding, but decided against it because his mom said she'd take his guitar if he got another ticket for speeding.

He arrived in the school parking lot and sprinted towards the front doors, as all the students outside were crowding in. He barely made it, but he made it. He dramatically wiped his forehead in relief, panting slightly.

Today was B day, meaning his first period was Theatre instead of Language Arts, and most of his periods have changed. B days, rather than A days, are Finn's favorite, because they have most of the fun classes, "fun".

As he entered the auditorim, the usual meeting place for theatre class, he spotted someone he had never noticed in that class before, Millie. That's her name, right? He thought. She was talking to one of Finn's friends, Gaten. Gaten was this super hilarious and enthusiastic guy with a voice crafted by angels. He starred on broadway in Les Miserables  when he was little, can you believe that?

As Mr. Anderson ordered students to sit down, he started to divide people into groups of six, from what looks like just who they were sitting by. So, Finn made it his goal to get grouped with Gaten, and, bonus points, he was sitting next to Millie.

He jogged over and sat next to his friend, "Hey Gaten," he said while patting his back.

"Hey man," his curly haired friend replied.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see someone speed-walking to where he was sitting. He turned to see a familiar blonde haired, lipstick wearing girl sitting down next to him. You gotta be FUCKING kidding me! He yelled inside his head.

"Today class, we are going to do structured, group, improvisation!" Mr. Anderson announced, like anyone knew what that was.

Apparently, someone knew what it meant, because I could hear Millie whisper from my left, "Yes... improv!"

"So," Mr. Anderson continues, "I'll give each group a general scene layout and you guys do the rest! You'll have class time to work on it, and each group will perform their scene next Friday!"

"I'll begin assigning roles! Chat quietly amongst yourselves," he says emphasizing quietly.

This is just GREAT .

Mr. Anderson makes his way towards my group, "Okay," he pauses and pulls a piece of paper out of a hat, classic.

"You guys get a dramatic scene, where a girl accidentaly confesses love to her best friend, infront of everyone, and he doesn't take it well. It's up to you guys to form it's shape completely."

He pauses and scratches his beard, looking at us all idividualy. "Millie, you'll be the main girl, and let's see... Finn, you'll be her best friend in which is confessing to. And you," he says then pointing towards Sydney, "you'll be reacting suprised and jealous."

He whips around towards Gaten and two other guys, "you guys are suprised friends, you can all each customize your character's reactions and such," he smile and nods, and sashays over to the next group.

To be continued...

Won't this be fun?

Heartbreaker // Fillie (ON HOLD)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu