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Today is the day my group and I have to preform our 'structured improv', and I'm pretty nervous. But I guess it isn't so bad, because the scene we're doing reminds me of my new obsession, Riverdale. My dad and I would read the old comics together when I was young, I loved them with a passion. They make me feel at home.

I already get nervous performing in front of people, but even worse I have to perform with Finn. Ugh, I doubt he'll even try, which will make the rest of our group look like shit. Ugh stupid Finn with his stupid jacket, and his stupid dark curly hair, and his stupid dark... captivating eyes and his- MY GOD MILLIE GET READY FOR SCHOOL.

I finished brushing my short hair and ruffled it up a bit with my fingers. I apply a thin coat of mascara and some lip gloss. Pink to make the boys wink ;), my best friend Sadie would say if she were here.

Today I look really washed out, so I lightly apply some blusher. I grab my book bag and skip downstairs. Mum has made pancakes, and Sadie is already here, and eating one at the table.

Oh my god I love pancakes.

"Sadie!" I say surprised while sitting next to her.

"Millie!" She replies, just as enthusiastic.

"Morning Millie," my mum says in the corner.

"Good morning mum," I say, "thank you for the pancakes." She nods her head in reply.

I pour a bit of syrup on top of the steaming cakes and add some strawberry slices. I smile over at my red headed friend.

We drove up towards the school and I'm already DREADING theatre. And, of course, it's my first period. I go over the main parts included in the scene topic.

"Remember, put yourself in the character's shoes," I whisper to myself.

"Some one's nervous," Sadie remarks sarcastically. I slap her arm playfully, "Shut up."

And we head inside the monstrosity that we call high school.


Well today the groups are performing their scenes together, and I have to perform with Millie. I'm actually kind of nervous, and I'm never nervous. What's gotten into me?

I guess this is the first time I've ever acted in-front of other people. (Besides my best friends Gaten and Caleb, of course.

Maybe if I pull this off, I can impress Millie... for the challenge that Jack gave me, anyways.

Theatre Class Narrative

As the bell rung, students excitedly took their seats as Mr. Anderson started marking role call. He didn't even have to call anyone's names, he looked to and from his clipboard, occasionally marking something down. He set his clipboard on his desk in the corner of the theatre and sashayed onto the stage.

"As you all know," he began enthusiastically, "today is the day where you and your group will perform your structure improv scene!"

"I trust that nobody rehearsed lines, I'm hoping at least. And I know that you all had a chance to practice in class. So no excuses! This is your first grade of the term and will be an opening for our next project! And if you guys sound rehearsed or cookie cutter like you made specific lines, your group gets half credit, so an F." Mr. Anderson drags on, although Millie hangs on to every word..

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