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As the Waster took it's last breaths, the Tracer in the beanie and the girl  approach myself and the dark haired guy I was cowering behind. 

"Jesus Gar! Were you just going to let the thing attack you again?" The Tracer in the beanie stated to the dark haired guy.

"Actually, I was thinking about inviting it out on a nice date until you two butted in. What the hell do you think, Pat. I was being careful. I didn't exactly what to cause an earthquake in the middle of the fucking city." Gar retorted to the walking spotlight of a being.

"Well if it wasn't for me, Pat would've ran out of charge and the beast would've attacked all three of you." Scoffed the female at both of the guys. Upon closer study of her, I noticed she had a set of what appeared to be animal ears peaking out of her blonde hair. She also had two sharp, fang-type teeth at each corner of her top row of teeth. She was built very aerodynamically. 

"And I told you to wait for me before hauling ass into the middle of things, but you didn't listen like usual! You're going to get yourself really hurt one of these days, Molly." 

I turned around to see a fourth Tracer approaching us from the bushes surrounding to outer park perimeter. He was tall, and well built. He appeared to be strong, and designed for defense.

"Oh shut it, Wade!" Molly spat back at the guy, "You couldn't have done anything to protect me for my part or the execution."

I was so overwhelmed that I finally just forced out the first words that came to my mind. 

"Would you all shut up for a second so I can thank you for saving my life!"

All four of the Tracers turned to face me as I yelled as loud as my voice box would allow me. And then immediately, there was silence.

"Thank you. For both your silence, and your heroism. I'm Descendant Kyrenn."

"Oh please, like we don't know who you are. We see your face all over the city. We could recognize you from a mile away." The girl said back to me in a snarky tone.

"God Molly, no reason to be so rude. She is kind enough to thank us for saving her." Gar said.

It was at this point I realized I had been clinging to the tail of his shirt the entire time I was hiding behind him, and had accidentally jerked it and torn a huge hole. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Let me replace it for you!" I exclaimed to him, feeling horrible for what I had done.

"It's cool. Don't worry about it. Now it just matches the rest of my clothes." He said and chuckled. "Besides, a Descendant should be seen hanging around with us more than necessary. In fact, we should probably hurry up and split."

I was take aback by his urgency to flee the area. "You absolutely will not! You four are heroes. You deserve to be recognized!"

"Yeah, okay. Like anyone is going to recognize us for doing OUR JOB." The guy in the beanie snarked. 

"Your job? Last time I checked, Tracers go out into the woods and hunt Wasters down. I've never heard of Tracers having to burst into sudden combat to protect a Pureblood."

"We may not ever have to do it, but we are trained to do it if the situation is ever presented. So techinically, it is still our job." The tall one, whom I'm assuming to be Wade, was very straight forward. But he also seemed gentle and kind.

"Well then let me do something to thank you myself. I have a private apartment; the entire top floor of Descendant tower all to myself. Please, come back with me and enjoy some down time."

Gar looked me up and down, as if examining whether or not I was trustworthy. Molly looked at me as if I was crazy. Pat just glared at me in disbelief. Wade just stood in silence, giving a slight grin. Then finally, Pat spoke.

"We can't we have a few more friends back at our place that are going to need us to get back."

"They're welcome to come too! You're all welcome. I can go ahead and head back, I'll phone in to work and let them know I won't be coming in today, and I can pick us up something to eat."

"You know what, I think that sounds like a great idea." I turned to see Wade's slight smirk had grown into a full smile.

"Pat, Molly, and I can go back to the compound to get the others. Gar, you go ahead with Descendant Kyrenna and make sure she gets back safely."

"Perfect! How many should I get food for?"

"Eight. Including yourself, that is."

"Alright! Then we'll meet you guys there."

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