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I sat in my common room surround by Tracers. Each of them was unique, both in their ability and in their personality. We had been talking for hours, and at one point my curiosity had gotten the best of me and I had asked them each to tell my about themselves.

As I had suspected, Wade was their 'leader' so to speak. He was their father figure. He kept them all in line, and called most of the shots. His ability? Well, he's a defender. He can project a shield from his body to surround himself and anyone else he pleases. He was the eldest of them all, and he was absolutely in love with Molly. Their group believes that Wade was able to develop his ability to It's current state because of his love for Molly and his desire to protect her. Although he cared for them all, Molly always came first. 

And Molly, she's quite the character. Despite coming off a bit rough at first, she's s very bubbly. She's kind and caring, but she's also smart and cunning. This is where her ability comes in. Speed and stealth, a lot like a fox ; hence the ears and teeth I had noticed, she earned the nickname Foxtrot. Molly wasn't raised with the city dwelling Tracers. She was raised in the forest, around Wasters, which is what forced her ability development. It's also a cause of her slightly reckless nature.

Then there's the human light beacon, Pat. He's about as sarcastic as they come. A loud and fun guy. Of course, someone with such an electric personality needs an ability to match. Pat has the ability to bend electricity. His body naturally produced an extreme electric charge, which he can manipulate freely. Although, he's still in the process of mastering it. He came up with his own clever nickname, by which he typically introduces himself, as PatrckStatic.

Jeremy is the youngest of the group. Still very much in the process of finding himself. Jp, as he prefers to be called, is still very naive. Aside from his training, he is mostly confined to their compound because of his undeveloped skill. The rest of the group goes above and beyond to protect him until he is able to step in himself. And when that day comes, Jp will be a whole different person. You see, he's a controller. He can manipulate the mind. Make someone see things that aren't there, make them think only good thoughts, or just make them think nothing at all like a blank slate. Most controllers can't fully master their skill until they have surpassed their 20 years. So Jp still has a lot of time ahead of him.

And oh boy, let me tell you about Dan. He's a flyer. That's right! Those people I watched decend from buildings and glide off into the sunrise every morning? Dan is one of them! I have to say, being able to finally me a flyer in person was a childhood dream come true. And Dan, had a genuine personality to match. He is just as all around joy, and definitely the comedian of the group.

And as I had been introduced to them, one face stood out to me the entire time. Then finally, it was time for her introduction. She goes by Nin. Nin is the invisible girl from my post-education studies. Both of us recognized the other, but neither of us a said a word. Nin was a very quiet person, just as I had always assumed. But when she did speak, she was full of life. 

This all just leaves one last Tracer. Gar. You may be wondering why I saved Gar for last. I thought so at first too. But to my surprise, he intrigued me the most. You see, Gar's personality didn't really match his ability. Based on his family history, he should be able to move more than just Earth. He should be able to Manipulate all of the elemnts. Yet, for whatever reason, he can't. However, Gar is the only Moon Baby I've met. Well, besides myself of course but that's another story. But I believe that Gar's attachment to the moon is the reason that he has only been able to master one elemental manipulation. 

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