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My father was very furious with me after the incident with Larynce. Larynce had report the incident to his father, who in turn had confronted my father. He explained what Gar's purpose was, and all had been forgiven. However, my father forbade me from kicking Larynce out again. I told him that I wouldn't, so long as I was allowed to have contact with the group whenever I pleased. He obliged, although he was very happy about my request.

Today I was enjoying some time with Wade, Molly and Jp at their compound. The other's were out scrapping, so they called it. They were collecting living supplies for the compound. I had come over to get away from my father and to avoid having to interact with Larynce, because I knew he would come over after yesterday's confrontation with Gar. 

Molly, Wade, and I were having casual conversation while Jp studied tips on mastering his ability.

"So why don't you tell us about this whole wedding thing Gar was talking about." Molly said to me unsuspectingly.

"It's horrible. I don't want to get married to him. Honestly, I'm not ready to get married at all. I'm not interested in relationships right now. All I honestly want to do is have some freedom, and to be able to work in the training compound." I stated back exhaustedly.

"I wish you could have that. It's almost as if you and and Molly need to switch places." Wade said with a sad tone.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well you see, Molly and I really want to get married. The problem for us is that, because of the laws your people have put into place, we aren't allowed to do so until we are both productive members of our society. And until Molly can get herself under control, she isn't allowed in any Tracer jobs."

"Oh wow, I'm so sorry. I wish we could switch places. You deserve to be married way more than I do, and you're actually in love."

Suddenly the door flew open and in walked the other four. Except they were accompanied by a couple extra people. One of the faces a recognized. She was one of my people. Her name was Marie. When she walked through the door the two of us made eye contact and she went into a sudden panic.

"Oh my gosh, Descendant Kyrenna. I didn't know you would be here. Please don't tell the Elders or my family that I am here. I'll do anything."

"Marie, please, calm down. You're secret is safe with me. What are you doing here anyways?"

She didn't answers my question with words. Instead she cocked her head to the right and gestured to Patrick who was across the room grabbing a snack form the kitchen. Patrick turn around in time to catch Marie looking his direction, and in response he winked at her. Her cheeks flushed bright red and she then turned to face me again.

"Like I said, your secret is safe with me."

Gar walked over to me and put his arm around my shoulders in what I can assume was an attempt at giving me a hug, so I put my arm around him and did the same in return. 

"I didn't know you were going to come by today. What are you doing here?"

"Well, I originally came to monitor Jp and see if there was anything I could do to help him. I ended up sitting around like a bum and talking to Wade and Molly while Jp studied some books I brought for him."

"Well since you're here, you should stay for dinner. Besides, we brought a couple other friends back that you should meet."

The two unfamiliar guys who had come in with Gar and the others walked over to the living area we were currently sitting in. The each took their respective seats on the couch next to Gar and I.

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