Thank You

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It had been 3 days since the Waster attack. My father had been furious over the situation. Members of the city guard had received heavy punishment for allowing the Waster to get inside city limits. I had told him about my saviors. Just as they had suspect, he was very unimpressed. He told me that they were just doing their job, and I shouldn't praise them so highly. His comment had made me very furious. After the evening I had spent with the group, I had only grown to appreciate them more. Unlike my father and the other Purebloods, I didn't see the as objects. To me they were just humans with a little mixed up DNA. 

The ground in the park was still upturned from Gar's attack on the Waster. I had come back to the site to admire the scene. I hadn't had contact from any of the group since that night. After they left my apartment, it was almost as if they had vanished. I approached a mound of dirt that Gar had upturned. Upon closer examination, I noticed that it was now light gray in color instead of its usual brown. I picked up a small chunck of it to get a closer look.

Suddenly, a voice spoke up behind me, "It's nothing special you know. It's just dirt."

I quickly spun around on the balls of my feet, and to my surprise I saw Molly.

"Jesus Molly, you scared the hell out of me! I didn't even hear you walk up."

"Yeah, that's sort of how this whole stealthy thing I've got going on works."

"Wait, what are you doing here?"

"I was watching you. Have been for the last couple days. We all wanted to make sure you didn't get into any more trouble. And," Molly paused momentarily, "Your father found us after you told him about what happened. He thanked us for protecting you. Then he offered us jobs as your personal guard. He said he couldn't take any risks with your life, as you are the next in line for your family's leadership position."

I was a bit taken aback by Molly's words. My father had not only been kind to Tracers, but he had thanked them? I momentarily contemplated whether or not she was telling the truth, then remembered her remarks about us the day of the attack and knew she wouldn't lie about such a thing.

"So if you're my personal guard, then why haven't I gotten to see you all again?"

"Because I was apart of your father's requests. He doesn't want us to be contacting you outside of what is deemed necessary. Although, some of us are having a harder time than others."

"What do you mean, Molly?"

She paused, realizing she might have said a little too much. "Oh nothing. It's just, Jp. He really enjoyed your company the other night. And he's really bad at keeping secrets."

I giggled slightly. Jp was such a sweet heart. He was much younger than the rest of the group as well. Nin was only 2 years older than him, but everybody else was 5 or more. So his demeanor seemed childish at times compared to the others.

"He is more than welcome to come visit me any time. You all are. Let's just keep a secret from my father. Besides, if you're my personal guard now wouldn't it be smart to have one of you in my apartment with me at all times?"

Molly gave me a sly smirk. "You know, I suppose you're right. And we wouldn't want to compromise your safety, now would we?"

"No ma'am, we would not. In fact, I'm heading back to my apartment now if you would like to send someone along."

"Gladly, Miss Kyrenna," Molly said with a chuckle. She then turned in the opposite direction and in the blink of an eye she sprinted off into the city.

I walked around the block to where my building stood. As I was approaching the doors, I could feel someone watching me again. I gazed around the surrounding area looking for a familiar gar from the group. Suddenly, I felt something hit my foot. I looked down to see a pebble resting on the ground next to me. I picked it up and was looking at it when another one came flinging towards me. I quickly realized that this could only be one thing.

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