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Although we all got to be together, very little of our time was spent relaxing. My friends were on high alert most of the day. They had created a patrol schedule, and slept in different shifts. So all of us were never awak at the same times. Entoan, Dlive, Nin, and Pat had taken nights shift. Molly, Wade, Gar, and Dan had taken day shift. Jp wasn't assigned a shift because of his lack of ability usage. So he and I were constantly spending days together playing with Dante and studying so that he could gain control of his ability. 

I was day shift now. Entoan, Dlive, Nin, and Pat were asleep in my room and my guest room. Wade and and Molly were on patrol of the first floor, making sure know one broke in. Dan was stationed just outside my apartment, keeping watch of our floor. Gar was on apartment duty today. Although he felt he would be much more useful in one of the other positions, we all had agreed it was his turn for apartment duty. His job today really just consisted of relaxing with Jp, Dante, and me. Gar had been working himself to death lately. He had even been staying up with night shift for a couple extra hours. Today was the first time we had really gotten to see each other in almost two weeks.

I watched him as he paced back and forth at the window, looking down at the city. Jp was currently occupied with a book I had given him on controller training, so I took the opportunity to talk to Gar. I stood up from my chair and walked over to his side. Below us I saw hundreds of Tracer guards patrolling the entrances to other PureBlood housing. I turned my head to face Gar, who was starring intently at a particular group of guards who gathered near the entrance to the park where we had met just a few shot weeks ago.

"You seem really tense lately. Want to talk about it?" I said. Gar turned to look at me. He saw the soft look it had on my face. I was trying to make myself appear welcoming so that Gar might finally open up to one of us. We were all worried about him.

"Can I be honest with you, and you promise not to say anything?"

"Of course, Gar. Anything you have to say is safe with me." I eached forward and wrapped my hand around his forearm as a sign of comfort.

"Well, it's just that, I'm scared. I'm scared for my family. My brother is military, and I'm afraid of what it will do to my father if he is lost in battle. He's already lost one son, he doesn't need to lose another. And I'm afraid for this family of mine. I could very easily lose any of my friends. If this tower is ever under attack, each and every one of us would put our lives on the line to protect you. But the thing I'm most afraid of is myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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