Memory Loss

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Written by: @invisibledata

Genres: Teen Fiction/Romance

Number of reads: 9

Discovered by: SYS thread

Blurb: Tears were streaming down my face when I saw what he had done. He looked up and his face carried a shocked expression. He could tell that I saw what had just happened. I didn't care anymore. He lied to me and I should have known that he'd do that from the start.

I backed away and submerged myself into the crowd of people.

"Emma, wait!" I heard him yell. "Let me explain!"

I turned around and shouted, "No! I hate you!"

I resumed my goal of finding the exit. The stench of alcohol and sweat filled the air. I should have listened to my bad premonition earlier. I regretted ever coming to this party tonight.

I tripped and fell on the floor. I had found that my black heels had broken so I took them off and carried them as I ran out the front door. I heard him behind me yelling, "Emma, wait! Let me explain!"

I ignored him and continued to run across the lawn and out into the street. When I was halfway across, I stepped onto a piece of glass from a broken beer bottle. "Shit," I muttered.

"Emma, watch out!"

The last thing I saw was a pair of headlights and then the world went black.

Own comments: A new writer. A very good start to the story. Support please!

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