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-Above is Allie Dennison


"Get up lazy bitch!" I was awoken suddenly by my father shaking me.

"I'm up." I said over and over.

"I wanted to be up by 6:30, but no I woke up at 6:45 by myself! Start following rules!"


"Ah!" I gasped at the contact.

He grabbed me by the collar and pinned me against the wall.

"Tomorrow I expect to be woken at the time I say, with breakfast on the table." he whispered, the alcohol clearly on his breath.

"Do you understand?" he asked gently. The calmness in his voice making me nervous.

"Yes sir." I said quietly.

"Good. Now, get dressed and go make me breakfast, then" he raised his voice, "Get the hell out!"

I nodded and went into the bathroom after he slammed my door shut.

I examined my face in the mirror. A little red from the slap. Nothing makeup can't fix.

I put on my favorite floral blouse and blue skinny jeans for my first day of school with my black leather jacket over it. Then added my black combat boots.

I put on light makeup which consisted of powder, eye shadow, and mascara. Then fixed my medium length blonde hair. I added a simple necklace to complete the look.

I checked the time.


Oh shit. Only 8 minutes until my bus gets here.

I quickly went downstairs and made my father toast and eggs. The fastest meal I could whip up.

After I was finished I raced to the door to get to school.

Senior year. Just 4 more months until I can get out of this hell called home. School acts as my safe haven during the day.

Let's hope no bullies at this one.

Thanks subconscious, I almost forgot that there might be bullies! I mentally rolled my eyes.


Once I walked in to school, I felt like everyone was staring at me. Okay maybe for some people it was eye rape. Mostly guys.

I went to the office to get my schedule.

"There you go dear, do you want me to get someone to show you around?" the lady asked.

"No thank you, I can manage."

"Are you sure? It's a pretty big school. It took me weeks to get used to."

"I'm sure."

"I'll get someone just in case." she said.


She grabbed the intercom.

"Can I have Hayley Robinson to the office please? Hayley Robinson."

A few moments later a red head walked in.

"Hayley, this a new student. Dear what's your name again?" she asked me.


"Yes, Allie. Will you be kind enough to show her to her classes?"

"Of course Miss Grace."

"Thank you sweetie."

We walked out together.

"I'm Hayley." she said holding out her hand for me to shake.

"Allie." I said shaking her hand.

"Well. Can I see your schedule?"

I handed it to her.

"Woah. We have all the same classes."

"Cool." I said.

"Since we have 20 minutes before the bell, I'll show you some people."

We walked around for a few minutes. She showed me the players, the school sluts, the popular kids. All the cliche crap.

"Well my friend just texted me so I have to run. If I were you, I'd get your stuff for your classes and go to the first class I showed you. It's good to be early and would make a good first impression on Mr. Colton."

"Okay. See you around. Thank you." I said.

"No problem."

I went to my locker and got my things.

As I walked, looking at the floor I bumped into someone dropping all of my things.

I looked up to meet a pair of beautiful dark brown eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." I stuttered. Damn you nervousness.

"It's okay." his deep voice said.

He helped me pick up my things.

"Thank you." I said quietly.

"Anytime." he smiled.

"I'm Christian." he said.


Christian took my hand and I felt sparks up and down my arm.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady." he said then kissed my hand.

All of a sudden I was pushed out of the way.

"Back of bitch, he's mine!" a girl said to me.

"Relax Emily." Christian said.

"I'm just gonna go." I said, but I don't think either of them heard me.

Well, not as bad as I thought it would be.

Boy I spoke too soon.

"Where are you  going bitch?" that Emily girl said.

"To class." I said.

She pushed me against the lockers.

"Talk to my  man again, and you will  be sorry."


I heard a rumor that Emily and Christian broke up because one of them was cheating. Well, guess I don't have to worry about Emily.

There's something about Christian that pulls me to him.


Christian's POV


Is all I could think about all day. That's why I broke up with Emily. I finally found her. I have to know her.

And I will.

Today when Emily pushed and threatened my mate, I had to keep my cool. If I didn't she would probably be dead right now.

God, this is going to drive me insane not knowing her right now.

It will happen soon. 


There's the first chapter! I hope you enjoy!

<3 Carli

My Abused MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora