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Kayla ^

Allie's POV


I woke up in a dark place. I didn't know where I was.

I noticed my hands were shackled. And my feet.

"What the hell..?" I whispered.

"Ah, you're awake." I heard a voice say.

I was in complete shock.

"Kayla?" I had tears brimming in my eyes. "I thought you were dead..."

"I was, sister. I was." She stated.

"How are you alive?"

"Oh, honey. You have a vampire mate, and don't even know a vampire when you see one?"

"What?" She couldn't be serious.

She gave me the "are you dumb?" look.

"Vampires don't exist." I stated. "It's impossible."

Kayla laughed a bitter laugh.

"How do you think I'm here?" She said.

"No. Y-you can't be. You were dead. You're a ghost. Yeah, a ghost."

She laughed. All of a sudden, her eyes turned red and fangs appeared.

I was terrified.

"Believe me now?" she asked.

I nodded. "Why am I here? And where am I?" I asked.

"I'm protecting you." she said. Then she looked at me. "Do you not recognize where you are?"

I finally looked around and realized where I was. I was in my old house.

It seemed as if she could feel my panic.

"Its okay, sister. Our father isn't here. He left the moment he realized you had a vampire mate."

I was shocked. "How does everyone know about him? And how come  I didn't?"

An image suddenly passed through my mind. Bodies drained of blood, gashes on their necks.
I didn't know how the images got there. They were gone as quickly as they appeared.

I gasped as I came out of the trance.

Kayla looked at me.
"What was that?" She asked me.

I had no clue. "I don't know. Bodies drained of blood...gashes on the people's necks."

She seemed to know what was going on when I said that.

"What is it?" I asked her.

She didn't reply. Instead, she unshackled me. I stood up and kept my distance from her. She may be my sister, but still a vampire. I have no idea how vampires work.

Come to me. I'm worried about you.

What the hell?

"It seems you are a seer." Kayla finally stated after a while.

"A what? What does that mean?"

"So many questions. Tsk tsk. A seer can see into the future or look into the past. They usually start gaining power around eighteen years old. It takes years to master. Which is why human seers have vampire mates, so when they bond, they live as long as their partner. Vampires live for centuries. Some even say they're immortal. But a true immortal can't be killed. So it's quite the controversy. Ah, look at me, I'm babbling. I've missed you, Allie." She said.

Well okay then. I thought.

"Kayla, why are you here? Seriously? You've had years to see me and never did. I've never mentioned you to anyone. I was afraid dad would find out and... well you get the point. Dad didn't want anyone to know I had a twin. Why is that bad?" I needed answers.

She sighed.
"When you had your vision, I knew exactly what it was. It was a vision of my past. When I was first turned, I didn't get any information on who turned me, what I was, or how I became this way. I then went on a rampage. I killed and killed with no remorse. When I realized later what I had done, I didn't want anyone to get close to me again. I then finally figured out what I was and everything about me on my own. For example, I don't stop aging until my twenty-first year."

That explains why she looks my age, instead of being 15 when she died.

"Kayla, why are you coming to me now then?"

She sighed again.
"I got myself under control. It's said that twins have a bond and can feel when the other is in danger. I felt your pain, Allie. I felt what had happened to you. Of course not as extreme. So, I came to see if you were okay. Then, I found your mate's house and knew what was happening."

Well, shit.

She started walking towards me to pull me into her embrace.

"Stop." I said. "You may be my sister, and I've missed you, but, you are a vampire. Please give me time to adjust."

She looked hurt. My quickly masked it.
"Of course." Kayla said.

"Allie! Are you here?!"
Christian? What's he doing here?

He burst through the door.

"Allie! Where have you been?" He seemed so worried.

He started speed waking toward me.
"S-stop!" I said.

He seemed hurt and confused. His eyes confirmed it.

His gaze then fell on Kayla.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" He asked in a not so friendly way.

"Christian! Be nice! She's my sister." I said.

"Sister? You have a sister? I thought you said it was just you and your dad?"

"It was. Kayla has been dead for almost three years."

He looked at Kayla and back at me.
"I know what you are, Christian. And she's a vampire too." I said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He inches closer.

"Stay there!" I semi-screamed. "And I was afraid my dad would find out. I think he had something to do with her death."

"Why won't you let me near you?" It seemed that's all he cared about.

"Allie, let him near you. I know you don't trust me quite yet, but he's your mate and he would never hurt you. He just wants assurance that you are okay." Kayla said.

"Allie?" Christian took my hand in his. With complete sincerity in his eyes, he spoke "I was so worried about you. One second you were there and the next you weren't. I thought something had happened to you. You were missing for two days."

Two days? How hard was I hit?

"I gave you an enchanted drink after you were knocked unconscious by my mate, which by the way I didn't approve of, to calm your mind." Kayla said.

"You have a mate?" I questioned.

"I do. He went to get you something to eat. He's a witch."


Without me realizing it, I was pulled into Christian's embrace. I wasn't scared.

A voice suddenly pierced the air. "Well I missed a lot."

"Andrew! There you are!" Kayla yelled excitedly.

Woah. Andrew? As in Christian's friend.

"Woah buddy. When you said you found your mate, I didn't know it was my mate's sister!" Christian smiles.

Well this just got interesting.


Hey my lovelies. Sorry is been awhile. But, I don't have a laptop anymore. :(   So enjoy the crappy chapter that was typed on my phone. And if you don't remember, Andrew is Christian's friend that threw the party a few chapters ago. And yes! He is a witch.

My Abused MateNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ