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{~song for chapter: Stay-Alessia Cara~}
Ziah's POV:
It's been exactly 3 years later..
I'm the Editor-In-Chief of Star Magazine & Zoe got promoted to Photo Editor.
Which is exciting..she gets to hand me over photos she picked or took herself.
I check them out & see if it's good enough to be added to the article.
Unfortunately I can't write my own articles..I can look over other people's articles.
Make sure the grammar,writing style & spelling is correct.
It's been a hectic time in the office..
We recently hired a fresh faced teen who is our new Editor.
Since I was once a young editor myself..I try to help him out..but he refuses for any help
So he's left on his own & I have been turning down a lot of his articles..
They really suck..
Luckily there's many other people to help him if he does need any help in the future.
I'm going through paperwork to find me a young intern.
To help me out..since it's been so busy & Zoe has been keeping me more busy than ever.
As I'm reading one résumé..my phone rings..
Which the sound alone makes me quickly grab the phone & answer.
I missed being home with my princess.
I love being a mom...but I have to admit it has been fun not having her around.
She's quite a handful & yet I missed her..it's a weird thing with me.
I answer the phone & I hear a familiar high pitched voice through the phone
"Mommy?" I hear my newly turned 3 year old say
"Hi princess." I say smiling & glancing over at the résumé one more time
"Where are you?" She asks me
I can see her little self all wrapped around my legs..
Like she always does..
"At work honey..mommy will be home soon" I say sighing knowing I'll be home later than I expected.
"Okay mommy I love you" she says & I hear loud music playing in the background
"Princess where are you exactly?" I ask her out of curiosity..
I left her with Nate today & yet I hear nothing only music in the back.
"With daddy" she says all giggly
I'm guessing..Nate is now nearby.
The phone is then taken from her & I hear my raspy voiced husband on the phone
"She's fine my queen" he says giggling
"It's not my fault..she called me" I say smirking
"Whatcha doing?" He asks me
"Reading résumés..where are you?" I ask him
"at the studio with the boys..I brought Jazz along.." he says
I suck my teeth in response
He must've heard it..
"Um..something wrong with that?" He asks me
"No..I'll see you at home" I say sighing loudly
"Okay love you my beautiful queen." He says
"I love you too Nate" I say & he places me on speaker
"Jazz..say bye to mommy with me!" He says to her & she must've ran over.
Both her & Nate scream into the phone
"Bye mommy!!"
"You do know it's speaker...you don't gotta scream. Now I'm deaf" I say laughing
"Sorry Mami" he says chuckling a bit
"Your forgiven Papi" I say smirking & we hang up
I turn my chair around & I scream when I see Zoe leaning against the wall
Silent like a mouse..she has a smirk plastered on her face
"Papi? Mami?" She says & crosses her arms
"Oh cmon Zoe..you knew that we call each other that" I say rolling my eyes playfully
"Yeah I did..but I didn't think I would live to see the day..that I would overhear it" she says
"Whatever I should lock my door more often" I say giggling
"I know how to pick locks." She says confidently & I smile
"There's no way of stopping you is there?" I ask her
She smirks & kisses my cheek
"Nope. See you at lunch" she says & places a paper on my desk
She walks out & I read the paper
"Breaking News: New up & rising Derek Luh to arrive in the big apple this weekend to perform at a free concert in Battery Park."
Up & rising huh? Like Nate?..
Nate's better in every way possible..
I look over at one résumé that I found interesting & I call Vicky in
She runs over to me
"Yes boss?" She says out of breathe from running
"I need you to hand this over to the CEO okay?" I ask her
She nods & walks away with nothing in her hand
"Wait..Vicky come back in here.." I say trying my hardest not to laugh
She walks back in & I hand her the envelope with the résumé in it
"This is what I need you to hand over." I say & she quickly realizes what she almost did
"Sorry boss..been having a brain fog all day" she says & walks away..
This time with the envelope in her hand & I sit back down on my chair..
I wanna leave already..
I sigh loudly & take a gulp out of my coffee..
{~Waiting for the time to pass you by...Hope the winds of change will change your mind...I could give a thousand reasons why...And I know you, and you've got to...Make it on your own, but we don't have to grow up...We can stay forever young...Living on my sofa, drinking rum and cola...Underneath the rising sun...I could give a thousand reasons why...But you're going, and you know that...All you have to do is stay a minute...Just take your time...The clock is ticking, so stay...All you have to is wait a second...Your hands on mine...The clock is ticking, so stay~}
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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