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{~song for chapter: Attention-Charlie Puth~}
Ziah's POV:
~the following morning~
I open my eyes to see my little angel still asleep for once & I climb out of the bed careful not to disturb her.
I walk over to the bathroom & I untie what's left of my cute hairdo from last night.
I brush my long dark hair out & decide to wear it in a ponytail for a change.
I tie it up in a high ponytail..
I brush my teeth & rinse my mouth out with mouthwash.
I walk downstairs to make breakfast & I remember Nate is still sleeping on the couch.
I sigh loudly & decide to ignore him to avoid fighting.
I walk pass the couch & I walk straight to the kitchen
I hear him mumble something under his breath.
If Jasmine wasn't upstairs I would've told him off for even mumbling.
But because I'm not in the mood & I don't want her to hear us fight.
I stay quiet & I bend down to grab a sandwich I wrapped up in aluminum foil.
I unwrap it & I bite into it
I sigh in relief & I sit down on one of the kitchen stools
I pour myself a glass of water & place it next to my empty plate.
I fry some bacon & eggs on my frying pan.
The usual breakfast I have every morning..
I sit down finally to eat all of my breakfast & Nate taps my shoulder
"Um..your not making me a plate?" He asks me raising a eyebrow
I shake my head & I roll my eyes at him
"You have legs..go make your own breakfast" I say & continue eating
He sighs & walks into the kitchen.
"You know it doesn't hurt to act nice today." He says & I gasp
"But you can strut in here & think that I would serve you your plate?" I say crossing my arms
"I'm sorry okay? My fault I'll admit it" he says & I roll my eyes
"Damn right it is." I say & continue on eating my breakfast.
~after getting dressed~
I adjust my dressy shirt I've chosen for today.
There's a meeting happening in the office today & I wanted to look presentable
Not that I don't look like that on regular basis.
It's just I want to impress the new magazine company that has arranged this meeting.
They're thinking of merging with Star Magazine.
It's a big deal.
I look in the mirror & I turn around to see my pencil skirt perfectly hugging my ass
"Jazz baby..time to go to with daddy at the studio." I say & she runs over to me in her little cute outfit
"I'm ready mommy. I'll miss you" she says & I smile
I bend down so I'm looking at her face to face
"I'll be out soon..once I'm out we can have our fun weekend to ourselves" I say & kiss her tiny head
"Will daddy be with us?" She asks me & I stay quiet
"We'll see he's always busy." I say & I kiss her cheek
"Lets go princess.." I say & grab her hand
We walk downstairs & I hand her over to Nate
He tries to kiss my lips but I dodge his lips & he kisses my cheek instead
I grab my purse & he puts Jasmine in the car...
He walks back inside the house & he grabs my hand
"We have to talk later." he says & I shake my head
"Your eyes travel. That's the problem." I blurt out & I walk pass him
He grabs my waist & pulls me closer to him
"Babe..she's nothing to me. You are my entire world. I didn't record her ass." He says
"Let me guess..you were recording on snapchat the music but she came out of nowhere & twerked for the camera." I say pushing him away
"Snapchat is destroying our relationship. We are a married couple. We shouldn't have trust issues with each other." He says raising his voice at me & I raise mines at him
"It's kinda hard not to have them..when you have a pretty bad reputation for cheating in the past." I say angrily
"Why did you stay with me then Ziah?" He yells out & I stay silent
"Idk..maybe because I was stupid in love. Maybe because I actually thought you wouldn't try something like this.." I say & his face drops
"No you weren't..I can't believe myself that I yelled at you." He says
Outside I feel horrible & inside I feel unloved by him recently.
He comes home late at night & barely speaks to me.
He goes to sleep & wakes up all refreshed.
He talks to me & is all happy.
I need the amount of romance we had before we got married.
Before Jasmine..before everything.
"You just want attention is that it?" He asks me & I cant lie to him
"Nate you haven't been giving me the amount of romance I crave..I feel like I'm ugly or something" I say frowning & he walks over to me
"I'm so sorry I make you feel this way..I'm a horrible husband" he says & I shake my head
"You have your flaws..but your not horrible. I forgive you for the video I just wanna spend more time with you..I wanna be at the studio & be more lovey dovey like we used to be." I say & he smiles
"I'd love it if you can come over after work." He says
"In my work clothes?" I ask him & he nods
"You look sexy" he says & wraps his arms around me
"Thanks but..what if they stare" I say
"Let them..your all mine that's what matters. Plus it'll be off by tonight" he says & grabs my ass
"So like you Nate for us to stop fighting & already thinking about hooking up" I say laughing & he smiles
"I missed that smile" he says & pecks my lips
"I'm glad we settled this" I say & he nods
We walk outside & get in the car..
~at work~
He pulls up at Star Magazine building & I open my door
"I'll see you tonight" he says & I ruffle his hair up
"Have fun..not too much fun..I'll get ugly on you again" I say & he giggles
"Hear you loud & clear" he says & I plant a firm kiss on his lips.
He kisses me back & Jasmine covers her eyes
"EWW MOMMY! DADDY!" She says & I laugh
"See you later princess" I say & kiss her hand
I climb out of the car & I start walking to the sheer glass sliding doors
When Nate rolls down the car window & yells out
"NATE STOP NOW!" I yell laughing & he smirks
"I was gonna say smile princess..but you of course took it dirty" he says
I laugh even harder & I continue walking..
He blows me a kiss & I roll my eyes playfully
I walk into the building & Zoe mimics Nate
I hit her arm playfully & we start heading over to the main office..
{~I know that dress is karma, perfume regret..You got me thinking 'bout when you were mine, oh..And now I'm all up on ya, what you expect?..But you're not coming home with me tonight..You just want attention, you don't want my heart..Maybe you just hate the thought of me with someone new...Yeah, you just want attention, I knew from the start..You're just making sure I'm never gettin' over you..~}
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

Chocolate 2 {~A Nate Maloley Fanfic~}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora