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[song for chapter: Pieces Of Us-Mark Ronson ft King Princess]
Ziah's POV:
I open my eyes and I let out the loudest yawn as I stretch my body into unbelievable poses.
I nudge Nate's hip to try to wake him up.
He doesn't move so I sigh loudly and leave him alone,I climb out of bed to start washing up.
When Jasmine bursts out into tears screaming her little head off,I rush over to her nursery room to find her in her crib standing up crying and rubbing her eyes.
"What's wrong Jazz? Why you crying for?" I ask her and she sniffles in my arms.
"Sleepy still?" I ask her and she nods.
"Let's go rest with daddy" I say and carry her over to our room.
Nate who is still knocked out now is sleeping on his side and facing my way.
I climb into the bed and lay next to him with Jasmine in between us.
She taps on her dad's shoulder.
"Dada" her small little high pitched voice that makes me fall in love with her all over again.
He doesn't react so I shove him softly and he nearly falls off the bed.
This causes him to wake up but he wakes up yelling.
Which scares Jasmine and I quickly comfort her.
"Babe!" He groans loudly as he rubs his eyes.
"What? It's like 8am you know we usually wake up at this time anyway" I say crossing my arms.
"I had a late night at the studio and came home at 3am-"
"3 in the fucking morning?" I say covering Jasmine's little virgin ears so she won't hear any of this.
I'm shocked.
When Jasmine had to be picked up for ballet one time around 10pm because it was a late late class,he couldn't do that because "it was too late" so I pushed him and got him to pick her up anyway.
I just shake my head and turn my back to him.
"Ma I was at the studio making some new tracks for this album I wanna release soon" He says trying to cover his ass.
"Nate we haven't had a family day in months and Jasmine's been wanting her daddy to be with us girls when we go out more." I say frowning.
Ever since he signed with this new rising label,he changed completely.
He comes home tired,drunk or high.
One time came home as all 3.
I was so upset I had him sleep downstairs but it hasn't stopped,now he lets his boys come over whenever he wants and his boys make a mess of the house.
Our house. May I add.
They party like they're back in their studio,they bring beers,women,marijuana etc..
It's making me sick because Jasmine's still a baby and I don't want her seeing all this so young.
Because of this I constantly have my mom take Jasmine during the weekends so if Nate were to let the boys over without me knowing at least she wouldn't be home to witness the madness.
The playboy shit that happens,they are all too old for it and they continue it anyway.
I don't mind Nate smoking weed because he did that when I met him and I'm not gonna change a man who was like that in the beginning,but I've grown sick of his shit and his actions.
We ourselves haven't aged well in this marriage of ours.
Since Jasmine I got nasty stretch marks that take up my belly,hips and ass area and it gives me a lot of complexes especially when I see the women Nate hangs out with.
Yes I got thick,but that's not the point here.
He continues his bad habits like cursing loudly in front of Jasmine & staying out partying until dawn.
We haven't had a night to ourselves alone since last time which was now 2 months ago.
It feels like forever and I wish we could have that moment alone,but even if Jasmine isn't around. He's off to the studio doing god knows whatever.
Because I visited the studio once and now his boys don't invite me over.
Of course I fought about it with him but he tells me that I should trust him enough that he wouldn't screw up something as precious as our relationship.
Jasmine gets up from the bed with her dolly and looks at me.
"Mommy can I watch YouTube?" She asks me pouting her lips.
"Of course take my phone and go downstairs imma make you some breakfast" I say and hand her my phone.
"Thank you mommy I love you" she says smiling and runs off.
Nate waits until she's gone to close the door.
"Babe if you didn't want me working all the time then why did you end up with me? Huh?" He says
"Because I loved you asshole that's why" I say
"Oh so I'm a asshole?" He says pacing around the room searching through the drawers.
"What are you looking for Nathan?" I ask him
He looks at me as if I offended him.
"For your information Ziah...I'm searching for Bud do you know where my stash is at?" He asks me raising his eyebrow
"No but if you are gonna go light up please do it outside the bathroom was like a hotbox yesterday" I say rolling my eyes and walk out of the room.
I walk downstairs to see Jasmine on my phone watching cartoons and laughing with her dolly still held tightly as she has the doll close to her chest.
I stare in awe at the little princess I am able to call my daughter.
"Come to the kitchen babygirl we're having pancakes!" I say and I watch as she hops off of the couch with my phone in one hand and the doll in the other.
She runs over to me and we go into the kitchen.
I sit her down in her cute little chair we got her and  make pancakes while glancing over at her to make sure she's okay.
I finish making the pancakes and I feed her some and she falls more in love with the pancakes with every bite she takes.
I serve Nate a plate and wait for him to come downstairs.
But soon I got too impatient and I start to eat mine while I watch jasmine enjoy hers.
These are the mornings that became normal for us...
#chrissynation 🥰💕💓👑✨
I love you guys so much,thank you so much for the endless support on this writing journey💜
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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