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I practically sprint down the stairs and gawk at my dad's piano. I open up the keyboard cover and press one of the keys. "This is what was left in your dad's will..." Billie says. "We tried to get your stuff back, but—" Adie begins. "I don't need anything else," I interrupt her, "This is all I'll ever need." "So, where do you want to put it?" Billie asks. I shrug and look at Adie. "We could just put it into the common room for now...just till we find a place for it," Adie says. Billie nods, goes upstairs and comes back downstairs with Jake and Joey. "Alright, everyone's helping to move it into the living room," Billie begins, "Jake and Joey on the left, Chels and Adie on the right." "Uh, and what side are you moving?" Adie asks sternly. "I'm carrying the bench," he tries to justify himself. We all put down the piano and cross our arms over our chests. He sighs and sets down the bench,"Okay, I'll help carry the piano."
I bring the bench in front of the piano and turn around. Everyone's looking at me as if they expect me to do something. "Aren't you gonna play something?" Adie asks softly. "I wasn't really planning on it..." I trail off and begin to walk back to the staircase. They stay in the living room and continue to talk secretively to each other. I stay at the bottom of the steps and listen closely. "They said she might've lost some of her cognitive skills..." Joey trails off. "No, I don't think that's it. Maybe she's just nervous to play in front of us," Adie suggests unsurely. "Joey's got a point though...I don't think she'd tell us if she forgot how to play," Jake thinks out loud. "Guys, stop. She's fine.... I'll go talk to her, okay?" Billie says, causing me to make my way upstairs as quickly as I can. I lay on my bed and make it look like I'm scrolling through my phone. He walks into my room and sits at the foot of my bed. "Why didn't you play the piano?" he asks calmly, sitting down at the foot of my bed. "I just didn't really want to, I guess," I lie, my eyes not leaving my phone. "But, you seemed so ecstatic when you saw the piano....Don't you want to play it?" I shrug and continue to scroll through my phone. "Well, okay, but you know that you can tell me anything," he says, getting up. "Okay," I say bluntly. "I mean it...like, you can tell anyone in this house anything and they won't be upset or anything," he continues, slowly walking towards my door. "Mhm," I mumble as he finally leaves my room and closes the door behind him.

How can I trust them if they withhold things about myself from me? If they want to keep that from me, then I'll keep stuff from them too...
I walk downstairs for dinner and sit at the table with Billie and Jake. "I still don't understand why I can't go to the concert," Jake mumbles as Adie places a plate of food down before him. "Joey doesn't want to go with you because he doesn't like that type of music, and we don't want you to go alone," Billie explains as Joey walks into the room. "Why don't you just bring Chelsea along or something," Joey suggests with a smirk. My heart immediately starts pounding since I don't like hanging out with people very much...considering what happened with Andy. "She can't; she's grounded," Adie reminds us, a slight cold tone in her voice. I feel ashamed at what I did. Joey snickers slightly and waits for Adie to place dinner in front of him. "What if I went with Enzo?" Jake persists, trying to reason with Billie and Adie. "If their parents say yes, then that's fine," Adie says, setting down plates of food in front of Jake and I. Jake immediately starts texting Enzo and sets his phone down while he waits for an answer. As we all eat, everyone else begins to talk with each other while I mainly listen. Once I finish eating, I place my dish into the sink and ask if I'm allowed to go upstairs. Adie nods and I walk to my room and lay on my bed.

Something feels wrong. Of course I'm going to feel guilty for smoking weed, but it's something else, but I have no idea what it is. I want to talk about it with someone, but how can I talk about something if I don't know what it is.

Billie knocks on my door and I invite him in. "Hey, Chels," he says as he sits down in my desk chair, "Are you feeling alright?" I nod my head and sit up. There's a strange silence and I start to feel nauseous and anxious for some reason or another. "You don't seem okay," he says, sitting next to me on my bed. "I really don't think you're okay, Chels...you seem on edge. It's okay if you don't want to talk about it but please let me know if you're not okay just so I know," he says, but I say nothing back since I don't know how I'm supposed to word how I'm feeling. He stands up and walks towards the door but before he turns the handle, he turns around and asks, "Is it because you feel bad for calling me Dad? Because if that's the case you don't have to feel bad, y'know? You can call me that—" he begins. "It's not that at all...I just feel bad, like something bad is going to happen," I interrupt him with a hesitation in my voice. "I don't really want to talk about it though because it makes me feel even worse," I add, "I kind of just want to be by myself right now because I can not convey how I'm feeling at the moment." A heavy silence falls over the ambience and Billie's face seems confused and slightly frustrated. He turns around and walks out of my room, being sure to close the door behind him.

I slide under my covers and turn off the lights in my room. Maybe if I sleep it will all go away and I'll know exactly how to tell Adie or Billie how I'm feeling.
I wake up and turn over to look at the clock that reads 4:00. I get up to use the bathroom and hear footsteps in the hall. After I wash my hands, I open the bathroom door and see Jake in jeans and a black and white flannel. "Jake?" I mutter tiredly. He quickly walks over and covers my mouth, holding one finger up to his lips. I move his hand away from my lips and he whispers, "You're not allowed to tell Mom or Dad...I've never snuck out before and if you go and tell them I will be super screwed." I nod my head and turn around to go back to my room to go back to bed. Jake goes back to his room but I can tell he's worried that I'll say something. I go back to bed and effortlessly fall asleep.

A/N: heyyy beautiful people!! How've y'all been!! Sorry I've been away for like a year! I've been so busy with school and also I've just had to deal with some things in my life! I hope y'all can understand!! Please don't be too mad!

Anyways, I hope u enjoy this chapter! Please leave a vote and comment if u want more!! Ilyasm!! XOXO

Saved: A New Beginning//Sequel to SavedWhere stories live. Discover now