Everything Ends

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As Adie and I walk through the mall, I look for anything that catches my eye. So far, I had only picked out a few tops and some black skinny jeans, which I think is enough, but Adie says to choose a few more items. "I know you like your converse, but it's nice to have different choices," she says as we walk into another store. That's when I see them: the perfect boots. I quickly walk over and fall in love with the cherry red Doc Martens, until I see the price tag. $150! Why?! I can't make Adie and Billie buy these for me! These are far too expensive! "Those are super cute! Do you like them?" Adie asks with a large smile. I shake my head and put the model shoe down and smile back at her. "Chels, I don't mean to sound like a rich brat, but money isn't an issue...if you want the boots, you can have them," she whispers to me with a slight laugh. I smile widely as I grab the boots in my size and we check out.
I put the boots on in the car since I can't wait until we get home. "These are my most prized possession," I whisper and cause a slight laugh to escape Adie's lips. I turn the car radio on and click through the channels until I heard Billie's voice coming through the speakers. "You like Green Day, huh?" Adie asks in surprise, "Jake and Joey would never admit that they somewhat liked them." I shrug my shoulders and watch the buildings go by us on the way home. We pull into the garage and make our way inside the house, holding a few bags from different stores in the mall. A burning smell comes from the kitchen followed by the sound of fire alarms, and Adie and I swiftly make our way to the kitchen. "Dad! It's completely ruined!" Joey yells, throwing a burnt lasagna onto the kitchen counter. Billie sighs and opens up the windows in the kitchen. Adie moves passed me and uses a dish towel to fan smoke towards the windows. Once the smoke alarms turn off and the room isn't as smokey anymore, Billie giggles and kisses Adie. "Sorry that's what you had to come home to," he laughs, hugging her lovingly. Joey picks up the lasagna with oven mitts and takes it outside to throw it away. Billie walks over to me and hugs me, "What did you get from the mall?" I walk towards the bags we brought in and show him some tee shirts and my new jeans. "Are those Doc's?!" he asks happily, pointing to my shoes. I nod my head and smile widely, "Yeah! Aren't they awesome?!" I exclaim, admiring my new boots. "Oh my god, y'know what we could do next?! We could make you a spiked jacket and buy a bullet belt so that you're a complete punk!" Billie says, a child-like expression coming over him. I smile widely, "Oh my god, and I could wear eyeliner just like you, Dad!" My smile dissipates and silence falls over the room. I worry that he will be mad, even though that would seem out of character. He pulls me in for a tight hug and tears up. "Please don't cry because then I'll cry," I tell him as I pull away from him.

"Is it okay that I call you Mom and Dad, or is that odd? I know you're technically not my parents but—" I start, looking at both of them. "Of course you can, hon," Adie coos, hugging me in a nurturing manner. I cry as she hugs me. I don't know why. I was happy, but they were more than just happy tears. She rubs my back and tells me not to cry, kissing the top of my head. Mom used to do this...what if Adie is as mean as her? I pull away from her hold in a rapid sense and begin to feel a slight fear. "What is it?" Adie asks, a faint sound of hurt in her voice. "N-Nothing...I, uh, I need to go to my room now," I stammer, Billie and Adie staring with concern at me. I quickly make my way up the stairs two at a time and close my door.

What am I doing?! Adie and Billie love me, right? They have to! But maybe they don't...my mother faked it all of these years and Adie could possibly be doing the same. They never loved me even though they said they did.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and startles me.

Andy: hey loser. R u busy?
Me: I can't talk rn...I have to leave
Andy: what do u mean?

I turn off my phone and leave on my nightstand. In my closet, I remember the small duffel-bag that I had when I left my parent's house. I pull it out and begin to rapidly throw whatever clothes I saw into it. I run inside the bathroom that connects to my room and grab all of my toiletries that I could possibly need. I zip it up and pace while I think of ways to sneak out of the house without being caught. I go to my window, but there's no easy way to get down from my bedroom unless I want to possibly get hurt. I hear a faint knock on my door and before I can see who it is, Jake walks in, causing me to swiftly hide the bag underneath my pillow. "You didn't tell Mom and Dad, right?" he asks eagerly, referring to last night. "No, why?" I ask, my leg bouncing with anxiety. "I'm just making sure...Joey would've ratted me out if I didn't bribe him or something," he laughs. "Um, how exactly did you even sneak out last night?" I ask nonchalantly, listening carefully. "It's so easy; I went right out the front door while they were in the kitchen and then tussled my blankets so it looked like I was home, but I guess that doesn't matter since they never really check on us when we're sleeping anyways," he explains, "why do you ask?" "Andy invited me to the skatepark," I lie, the guilt already eating away at me. "Oh. Well, just make sure you don't get caught then...I won't tell if you don't tell them about me, okay?" he says before leaving my bedroom.

I sigh deeply and grab my bag, ruffling my blankets afterwards to make it look like I was asleep. I slowly open my door and creep down the stairs, careful not to make a sound. Billie and Adie are talking in the living room, but they don't have a view of the front door. I take it as my opportunity to leave and I softly close the door behind me. I walk down the driveway and make my way down the street. A hint of guilt runs over me, but I shake it off and continue towards town, hoping to figure out where I'm going to go before it gets too late at night.

It had to be done. Adie and Billie don't care. They don't care. They never did and they never loved me. It was a lie.

A/N: heyyy beautiful people! How are y'all doing??? All is well I hope! Sorry it's taken me so long to update! I've been busy!! Anyways, I hope u enjoy the chapter! Please leave a comment and vote if u liked this chapter!
Ilyasm! XOXO

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