In the Begining...

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My name is Slender Man.

I have been troubled these past few days. It seems that there are a lot of killers running rampant around the world. This cannot be tolerated. If there are so many killers and so few humans. Eventually, the humans will die out. They need to be controlled or at least, supervised.

I know this isn't normally a part of my character, but my intuition and instincts, tell me this must be done. Trender, Splendor, and Offender have offered to help, but some how I feel my brother's will get distracted and I won't be able to focus. I do care about them, but sometimes they can be a real headache.

I have kept tabs for some of the more... undisciplined killers. My first recruits will be my Proxies. I already have three killers in mind.

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