A Day With Ben Drowned, Vlog #1

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Ben: Hello, Little Creeps, and welcome to A Day With Ben Drowned. This is my first Vlog video and I'm thinking of making it into a series for you all to enjoy. Now, I want to address a couple of things that I will NOT do for this series...

1. I will not go near any water, coz, well, we all know why.
2. This will not be a porno for any of you fan girls. *crowd awws* Yeah, yeah, yeah, shut up.

That's about it. Now for what I am gonna do.

1. I will try to feature some of my fellow CPs, with or without their consent.
2. I will do random challenges or random whatever.
3. I will read the comments to see what you all would like me to do.

Yeah.... So, with out any further ado. I will now pull a prank on my dear friend, Jeffrey Woods.

*Ben takes Jeff's white hoodies and puts them in a basket, Jeff walks in his room*

Jeff: Ben, the hell you doing with my clothes?

*Ben stumbles*

Ben: Fuck, almost dropped the camera. I'm gonna do some laundry for ya. You know how we take turns doing chores. Unfortunately, I got stuck with Laundry Duty.

Jeff: Fine, just make sure that they come back lookin' like this. Got it?

*Ben salutes Jeff in joking manor*

Ben: Yes, sir!

Jeff: Great, now fuck off.

*Jeff pushes Ben out of his room*

Ben: Bro, you gonna watch some porn?!

*camera cuts to Ben tipping the basket filled with Jeff's hoodies into the washer, camera cuts again to show Ben placing one of Sally's pink dresses in the washer, Ben places an index finger over his lips, he starts to chuckle, camera cuts again for a third time, in the frame is Jeff looking into the dryer with pink hoodies and a pink dress, Jeff stands and turns around to see Ben with the camera*


Ben: I thought your hoodies could use a bit more color.

*camera starts to shake around and fast footsteps are heard, suddenly the camera falls and is angled to show Jeff repeatedly punching Ben, camera cuts to Ben's room and he has a black eye*

Ben: Okay, that's all I have for you today. I hope you enjoyed the pilot episode of A Day With Ben Drowned. See you all later, Little Creeps.

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