Tim/Masky Part 1

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Tim lays on his bed trying to sleep, but he can't because of his schizophrenia. He tosses, turns, and nothing seems to help him.

The same dream that he has had, ever since his best friend Brian disappeared, haunted him tonight. He sees a tall slender man in a fancy suit with a red tie and no face. He tries to run, but every time he does, it chases after him. Then at the end of the dream, a circle with an X in the middle of it flashes white at him.

Tim misses Brian. They were so close when they got into Kindergarten. Some bullies were picking on Tim, because he was small and had a worse case of schizophrenia then. Brian was the only one who stood up for him. 

He can remember so clearly the day Brian disappeared. It was a Friday night, Tim and Brian were texting and Brian was acting strangely. He said that he felt like he didn't belong anywhere. Tim tried to help him with his problem, but Brian kept pushing him away. On Monday, Brian didn't show up for school. He wasn't there the rest of the week, the month, the year. Tim never felt so alone in all his life.

Thinking about Brian only hurt him more. Tim just stared at his white colored ceiling and rubbed his for head. Something else is bothering him. It sounds like a faded high pitched ringing. It seems to get closer and closer. Then it stops. Instantaneously, Tim sits straight up in his bed. He throws his covers off his body and grabs a flashlight before leaving the safely of his house.

As he steps on to the cool concrete and turns on the light, he looks around and shines the light on his vegetational surroundings. He doesn't remember if his parents moved him out to the edge of a forest. He doesn't think so.

Tim walks down a dirt path and looks around more. Straight ahead of him, he can see something almost in an oval shape with a faded yellow or a beige color. It starts to get into focus. A shirt? A hoodie. A man is in the hoodie and his hands are in the pockets of the coat.

"Ah, Timothy," a deep robotic voice says.

"Who the hell are you and what's with the voice changer?" Tim asks in a stern voice.

"Do you remember me, Tim?" The male asks.

Tim looks closer at the man. The man is taller than him and the man has a more athletic build. A thought hits Tim, but he brushes it aside. It can't be. It's impossible. The thought still lingers.

"B-brian?" Tim stutters.

"So, you do remember..." the robotic voice says.

"How? How?!" Tim starts to get more angry. "You left me for five years just to come back to show me your cheesy new getup?! Fuck you!"

"I know you're angry, but that is not why I came back. I came back to give you an offer,"

"Oh, yeah, an offer? I don't know, give me five years to think it over,"


"Shut up, Brian. You were supposed to be my friend! And you just pushed me aside like I was nothing!" Brian just stands still as Tim lets out his emotions. "We had so many plans together. We were just kids enjoying life and you up and leave. I hate you! Did you even care about me?!"

"Tim, listen. I know I hurt you. Yes, I feel guilty as hell for that. You're my best friend. In fact it hurt me to leave, but you don't hate me. You just hate what I did,"

"Don't tell ME how I'm feeling, you jackass!"

"Do you feel wanted, Tim? Do you feel like there is something more to your life?"

Tim stays quiet. Of course, he doesn't feel like he matters. No one, besides his parents has ever cared about him. Brian nods slowly.

"Get back to your stupid offer so you can leave again," Tim hisses.

"I finally found my home. I feel safe there. I want you to come with me. I know you hate it here as much as I did,"

"So, your offer is for me to run away to a place where you feel safe? Why would I leave my parents just to follow you?"

"Tim, I know it's a lot to take in right now, but... please trust me on this," Brian says almost pleading.

"Give me a reason to trust you," Tim says. Brian sighs and folds his arms over his chest.

"Tim, I have problems like you. Only mine is... different. I hurt people and I enjoy it,"

"Seems pretty obvious," Tim rolls his eyes.

"Not like that. I...I kill people and I enjoy killing. I have blood lust. I can't help it. It's an addiction. I had to leave, Tim. Otherwise I could have killed everyone in is town, maybe even you. I couldn't handle the thought,"

Tim just stares at Brian, baffled and in disbelief. How could Brian say something like that? He somewhat understood him, but there was a moral drilled into him like everyone else at a young age. It was wrong to kill, but was it really that wrong?

"I don't know what to say," Tim finally says.

"I know, but this is who I am now. I understand if this is the last time you want to see me ever again. Just know that this offer is always open," Brian says as he turns to leave.

"Wait," Tim says. "I'll go with you, but can I at least say good bye to my parents?"

"Of course. I'll wait here..."

Tim turns around and runs back to his home.

"Is this really happening?" Tim asks himself.

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