Tim/Masky Part 2

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Tim gets home and immediately goes to his room, not caring if his parents hear. He's panting heavily and starts to pack a suitcase. Tim's mom gently knocks on his door when he's almost done.

"Tim? Is everything okay?" She asks tiredly. Tim turns to see his mother enter his room. "Why are you packing? Tim, what's-"

"Mom, I have to go away," Tim says with hurt eyes.

"Go away? Tim, you're not making any sense," she says taking a step to him.

"I'm not trying to," Tim says "Mom, I just have to leave. Please don't come looking for me," Tim says closing up the suitcase. He gets ready to leave the house.

"Tim-" his mother pleads as she follows him. Suddenly he turns around and hugs her tightly. He feels like this is going to be the last time he sees her. As he realizes that more and more, tears start to fall down.

"I love you, Mom. Tell Dad that I love him too," Tim says giving her one last squeeze, then turns and leaves her in all her confusion.

Tim runs back to the woods and runs down the path.  He sees Brian conversing with a tall man.

Wait, could it be the tall man from my nightmares!?

The two turn to look at Tim. He's petrified in fear.

"Don't be afraid, Tim. I'm not going to hurt you," the faceless man says. Tim looks at Brian. He nods and Tim looks back at the faceless man.

"Who are you?" Tim musters out.

"My name is Slender Man,"

Tim's fear still stays with him. Brian glances at Slender Man then to Tim.

"It okay, Tim," Brian coaxes. "He was in my nightmares, too."

"It's fine. I just need to get over it," Tim tells them, still shaking.

"I know I seem a little unsettling, but I'm glad that you two are willing to join me,"

"Well, in some cases we don't have much of a choice," Tim scoffs.

"Yes, well. You're still here aren't you?" Tim goes to say something, but quickly shuts his mouth. "Come, we have much work to do."

Brian and Slender Man turn to leave and Tim looks over his shoulder. He sighs for his mother and father. He soon disappears in the night.


"Breaking news. Tales of two young boys have been kidnapped by an unknown figure. More on this story at 5,"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2018 ⏰

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