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It's cold. The midnight air chill the 13 year old child in his orange colored hoodie. He can see the heat leave his body every time he exhales. He wraps his forearms around himself to retain some warmth, but with every effort fails.

He walks down the forest path almost lost. He ran away from his home knowing his drug addict father won't miss him, nor his prostitute mother.

It gets colder by the second and he keeps walking. He does know he name at least.


Gradually, the more he walks the more a dark and ghastly presence follows him.

Brian keeps walking and tries to ignore the presence, but every time he does, it fails him like his efforts to keep warm.

Briaaann. Briaaan.

A soft voice calls to him. He turns to look behind himself. Nothing. It seems like the voice is echoing off of the trees. This make Brian turn in circles to follow where the source is.

Briaaaan. Come here, Brian.

"Who's there?!" Brian calls out. "Don't come near me."

It's okay, Brian. I'm not going to hurt you. It replies.

"Stay away!" Brian yells, almost to a plead. It seems that there's a loud booming approaching the more he talks to the voice.

Trust me, Brian. I won't hurt you.

"Why does it feel like you're lying?" Brian whimpers out as the booming becomes too loud. Brian covers his hands over his ears and falls onto his knees.

Trust me, Brian.

"WHY!?" Brian screams out.


"I TRUST YOU!" Brian screams as loud as his lungs can handle.

The booming stops, there's silence.

Brian lets his hands fall at his sides. He looks up at the night sky. The stars twinkle and shine. The moon is high above him. It reflects the light from the sun and shines white like the stars.

Brian stands and turns around. A dark 8 ft tall male figure with no facial features and black suit with red tie stands over him. Brian, petrified in fear, stares at the figure.

"Brian," the figure speaks, somehow.

"W-who are you?" Brian stutters.

"My name is Slender Man," the figure replies. "I know you have many questions, but I cannot answer any of them, unless you come with me."

"I don't understand..."

"I know, but please. If you come with me, I promise that you will be safe."

Brian hesitates and starts to shiver.

"I d-don't know,"

"I can give you shelter, food, and most importantly to end that troublesome blood lust," Slender Man says.

Brian looks up to the slender figure. His eyes show hurt and pain. Slender Man reaches a hand out for the troubled boy and Brian takes his hand. Without looking back, Brian leaves the place that never loved him.

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