Meeting The Bruins

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I am a Penguins fan writing this! So don't think I like the Bruins! By the way the story is written when Lucic was still on Boston and not Edmonton.

Sandra's POV
I just got hired to be the new trainer and assistant coach and today was my first day. I told Milan and he was thrilled to spend more time with me.
So what was I doing right now you may ask. To answer your question I was sleeping until...
"SANDRA! SANDRA! SANDRA!" Milan yelled and shook me by the arm. "Milan would you shut up and let me sleep! My god are you bossy!" I yelled resting my head down on my pillow. Milan should know by now I don't like to be woken up and I'm cranky in the morning. Milan stopped "Fine miss the first day of work!" I immediately got out of bed. Milan mumbled "your welcome." My head snapped in his direction "Milan will you shut up and get out of my room your going to make me late for work." Milan just shook his head knowing he is the only reason she will be on time.

I'll be honest I felt bad about yelling at Milan... but oh well I'll apologize later. If anyone else would have told him to shut up he would have killed them. Even my two other brothers. Milan just has a soft spot for me because I'm his little sis and as I call myself "the favorite." He never answers me when I ask him if I am but, I know he doesn't answer because it's true! Anywho! Enough about that! What am I going to wear! The I remember Claude Juilen told me to dress casual like sportswear. I took out one of my many Boston Bruins Lucic shirt out of my closet and put it on. I also wore a pair of under armor sweatpants. I put my hair in a pony tail and ran down stairs.

When I got downstairs I saw Milan making breakfast singing to Starships by Nicki Minaj. And of course I got my phone out and video taped it.

"Star ships were meant to fly
Hands up and touch the sky
Can't stop 'cause we're so high
Let's do this one more time
Star ships were meant to fly
Hands up and touch the sky

Milan turned and saw me watching him. His face was all red of embarrassment. Lucky for me I put my phone away when I saw him turning around. "Breakfast done yet Nicki?" He shook his head no to embarrassed to talk. So I started to cut up some strawberries for us to eat while he cooked the eggs.

When we sat down to eat breakfast I looked at Milan and realized he was still in his pajamas. "Milan why are you still in your pajamas?" He looked at me and smiled "Number 1. They are not pajamas they are shorts. Number 2. We are going to practice early so if we are a little later then expect that's okay  Number 3.  I get dressed quicker than you. Number 4 most importantly. That is Nicki to you! I chuckled at the last part. Now he was just making fun of himself.

When I finished breakfast I told Milan I would get his hockey bag and put it in the car. When we got to the arena he helped me finish setting up my office. He smiled when he looked at my desk to see picture of him and I all over it. Yesterday I Claude gave me profiles and highlights of the players to look over which I did. When I looked up I heard a knock on my office door. Milan opened it to reveal Claude. "Hi Sandra! Hi Milan! Sandra have you checked out anyone of the profiles I gave to you?" I nodded " Yeah I have." He smiled "Do you have anything you want to change about the line ups yet or no?" Sandra smiled "I think it would be better for me to watch them practice a few days and interact to see the chemistry of the team better." Claude nodded in agreement "Oh! By the way I'm going to introduce you to the team today. Do you want them to know your Milan's sister?" I nodded my head. Milan spoke up "Can I tell them?" Claude looked at me for my approval I nodded. "Okay Milan you are aloud to. After I introduce her!" Milan smiled I looked over at him "Don't be too overprotective like when we were younger!" Claude raised an eyebrow. I looked at him "Milan punched a boy in middle school for giving me a high five." Claude said "I agree with Sandra on this one. I don't mind if your protective of her. Just have a limit to how protective you are." Milan nodded.

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