Big Nose

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Sandra's POV

I was sitting in my office gathering my stuff for the plane ride. We were flying out to Tampa to play the Lightning.

I finished grabbing all my stuff and walked out to the lot. The bus has just arrived. I saw down in the back and put my earbuds in. I heard someone sit down next to me.

It was Shawn he smiled "Hey Little Looch! How are you!" I smile "I'm good Thorty! Why didn't you sit by one of the guys?"

He laughed "I usually sit by Brad but this is my excuse to get away from him." I giggled "I don't blame you then. I mean Brad means well but you know... he's kind of..."

Shawn finished my sentence for me "Obnoxious?" I nodded "Yeah that's a good word."

Out of no where Brad turns in his seat "Am not!" I let out a squeal and Shawn laughs out "Oh Squirrel I didn't know you were there!"

Brad glares "Yup! If you don't want me I'll sit with Bergy! And on the plane I'll sit with Sandra!" Shawn shook his head "No I'm sitting with her."

Brad glared "No I am! You get to sit with her on the bus! So I sit with her on the plane!"

Shawn shook his head "I'm older so I get to sit with her! So you are not!" Brad yelled "Bite me!" Everyone's head snapped to our direction. I bursted out laughing and Brad turned red.

I looked at Shawn "You guys can take turns. Okay?" They both nodded and crossed there arms like children. I laughed and shook my head.

Shawn and I talked the whole ride. He was like a father figure to me. He offered me advice and kept an eye out for me.

When we finally had to get off the bus and onto the plane Brad ran up to me and hugged me. He yelled out "Finally! Shawn stopped hogging you!"

I hugged him back and laughed. We got onto the bus and Brad began to talk "Did you notice Tuukka and Bergy have been looking at you."

I turned my head to look at both men. They were looking at me but then turned their heads away when I looked.

I looked over at Brad and he said "I think they both like you." I nodded "I'm not looking for a relationship though."

He gave me a confused look "Why not? You're beautiful and could probably get any guy you laid an eye on."

I shook my head "Thanks for the compliment but I'm not that pretty. I also don't want to date a coworker. It's unprofessional."

He nodded "It might be unprofessional but the heart wants what it wants. If you truly love someone you won't give up on them that easy. And you are pretty! Hell! I would even date you if I had the chance! Your beautiful, nice, smart, kind-hearted, selfless, funny, and pretty. And so much more! If any guy would tell you different they are either stupid or blind."

I smiled at Brad "I wish my ex boyfriend thought that. Hhh!" Brad frowned "I know it's none of my business but what did he do to you?"

I lifted up the side of my shirt to reveal a scar. Brad gasped and brushed his hand lightly against it.

I looked at him and sighed "Sadly this isn't the only one. He abused me physically and mentally. Sometimes he would kick me or punch me. Even throw beer bottles at me. He told me I was basically useless. He broke me."

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