I Don't Remember

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Sandra's POV

I woke up and looked up at Patrice still sleeping. I just payed in his arms and fell back asleep because I didn't want to wake him.

~1 hour later~
I woke up and Patrice wasn't there. I walked down stairs and saw him making breakfast.

I smiled even though he didn't notice me yet "Morning Patrice." He turned around and grinned "Morning Sandra, Did you sleep okay?" I laughed "Yeah I actually woke up and fell asleep again." He chuckled "Well I'm making breakfast if you want any. Do you like bacon, eggs, and waffles ?" I smiled "Yup! Love it! This is different usually I cook for Milan. He is really bad a cooking. He made eggs once they turned it greenish-gray." He chuckled still keeping his eyes fix on the pan in front of him "Remind me to never let him cook for me." I smiled "Don't worry he doesn't cook for anyone no more."

I spoke up again after a minute of silence "Do you need help with anything?" He shook his head "No unless you want to cut up strawberries but that's about it." I nodded "Sure, Where are they at?" He pointed "The fridge." I walked to the fridge got the strawberries washed them off and started cutting.

We both got done at the same time. He looked across the table at me "When do you want me to take you back to your house?" I shrugged "I don't know, I guess in a little." He nodded and went back to eating.

When we got done eating he changed and went back down to the living room.
I was watching TV. He smiled "Do you want to watch a movie and then head out?" I smiled and nodded "Yeah sure you can pick."

He was searching through Netflix and stopped on one movie he turned to me and said "Dougie told me this movie was really good. How about this one?"
It was a horror movie called "Hush" I looked at him "Sure I don't mind but just to give you a warning I scream a lot and get scared easily."

I screamed a lot and I mean a lot! Every time I did Patrice would look at me and laugh. At one point he just pulled me over to him and I would hide in the crook of his neck when I got scared. Call it childish! No, It's just smart!

When the movie ended he turned the TV off. He laughed "I can't believe you!" I said "I told you I'm not good with scary movies!"

He grabbed his car keys "Ready to go?" I nodded "yeah." In the car we were singing along to Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns N Roses.

When he dropped me off I asked him if he wanted to come in he said "Some other time." I opened the door and saw Milan sleeping in the coach.

I ran back downstairs and Milan was still asleep. He only had shorts on and I said to myself "I think I'm gonna gag."

I walked to the one drawer we had in our house I grabbed the air horn and walked back to the living room. I blew the air horn and Milan woke up.

I smiled at him "Get up and get a shirt on! Thank you!" He groaned "What the hell Sandra you can't always do that to wake me up!" I looked at him "I only do it when I'm pissed at you." He nodded and got up.

I also said "By the way thanks for leaving me at the club! Thank god Patrice was there!" He blushed "Oh I kinda forgot about you..." I glared at him "What was her name?" He looked at me and said "What?" I glared at him "The chick you brought home. What was her name?" He looked at his feet and then back up at me "Uhhhh... I forget. It started with a M though." I literally rolled my eyes "Mom would kill you right now! I might just do it for her!" He just looked at me "Don't you sorry me Milan Lucic! And why do you still not have a shirt on?! I told you to put one on!"

He walked up stairs and got a shirt. He then asked me "Do you and Patrice have like a thing?" I raised a brow "What do you mean?" I smirked "I saw you two dancing at the club. You guys were kind of a little to close for my comfort and for just being friends. Definitely got Tuukka jealous." I rolled my eyes "Tuukka was with another girl why would he care?" Milan shrugged "He likes you still. Well at least I think he does." I nodded

Sorry for the short chapter!

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