(1) SonAmy

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Basically my first ever ship so I just thought it would be fair for it to be my first one
Amy's POV

I was skipping through the forest humming a cheerful tune. Ohh I can't wait to meet with my Sonikku. Maybe he's gonna ask me to marry him! I thought gleefully


I was talking to Cream early in the morning about later

"So Cream, when do you think we should head to the mall?" I looked at Cream

"I don't know Miss Amy. How about after lunch?" Cream said in her sweet little voice

"Sure but may-"
I was interupted with a blue blur

"Hey Cream. Hey Ames" my handsom hero waved his hand

"Hello Mr. Son-"

"SONIKKU!!" I glomped him with all my might

"Woah chill Ames. Anyways are you free later lunch? If so can you meet me in the forrest later?" Sonic rubbed the back of his nec- and wait, was he blushing?!

I giggled at him. Honestly, can Sonic get any cuter?!(ikr)
"Sure! What time?"

His eyes widen when he heard my answer. What? Is he expecting a no? "Around 3pm?"

"Sure! See you then!" I waved at him then ran off with Cream, who was giggling like a maniac

End of flashback

I still don't understand how I didn't glomp him. I mean come on! This is me we're talking about here!(true)

So here I am, in the forrest searching for my blue blur when I heard a voice. I couldn't help myself so I decided to listen

"What do you want to say to me Sonikku?" Wait, is that Sally? And why is she using MY petname for Sonic?

"I just wanted to say that I l-love you" I couldn't hold back a gasp. W-what?!

I stood up and saw that what I thought was indeed true. Sonic just confessed to Sally. My bestfriend. Who knows how much I love Sonic.

I couldn't contain my tears as I ran out of the forrest.
"Wait! Amy!" I ignored Sonic's call and ran faster

Sonic's POV

I was waiting in my special spot in the forrest when I heard a twig snap. I quickly turned around and stood on a fighting stance.

"Calm down Sonic. It's only me" I turned to where the voice came from and saw Sally.

I immediately relaxed and asked, "Sal, what're you doing here?"

"Well Amy told me that you asked her to meet her here. So I was only checking to make sure you didn't bail on her." She rolled her eyes

I blushed a little bit and chuckled. "Nope! This time I'm telling her how I feel if it's the last thing I do!"

"Do you actually know what to say? I mean we all know your a wimp when it comes to feelings" Sally asked

"Oh shit. I haven't thought about that" Sonic paled

"Typical" Sally, once again, rolled her eyes. "Anyways, how about this, pretend I'm Amy and say what you want"

"Thanks Sal" It was true. I was really grateful to Sally

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