(3) What I like the most about her?(NaLu)

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Lucy's POV

"So Natsu, what's your favorite food?"

"Well that's easy...... FIRE!!!!!"

So a while ago, Fairy Tail was asked to bring some members for an interview and who better than Team Natsu!(Watz du name of that famous magazine in Fairy Tail again?)

It was Natsu's turn right now and we're all just sitting here, waiting for him to finish

"Ugh what's taking that flamebrain so long?" Gray groaned

"Well maybe if you two weren't fighting when we got here, we'd already be done right now" Erza glared


I giggled a little bit but immediately shut up when Erza glared at me.

*********Few minutes later**********

It was Natsu's final question that got us all interested

"So Natsu, I heard you and Lucy has the closest relationship in the guild. Is it true?"

"Well duh"

"So my final question for you is, what do you like the most about her?"

Unknowingly, I held my breathe. Luckily no one noticed

"What I like the most about her? Well she's a total weirdo of course. And she's a loudmouth too"


I think I heard enough.
"Hey guys, I'm gonna go ahead 'Kay?"

"Uhh sure?" Gray lifted an eyebrow

Without hesitating, I gathered my stuff and left.

"Stupid Natsu calling me weird. Stupid Happy agreeing. Stupid Natsu for making me.... fall.....for him"

Once my apartment was in eyesight I rushed over and slammed the door.

**********One Week Later***********

"Hey Lucy! Will you just notice us?!"

I immediately walked to the other side of the guild hall.

Yeah yeah I know what you're thinking, 'why are you ignoring him now when he calls you weird all the time?!'.

Well imagine what you would feel when the guy you fell in love with calls you weird and a loudmouth on the same day you admitted you're feelings to yourself. Hurts right?

I never told anybody about this so most of the guild were all frozen in shock when I ignored him the day after the interview.

"Lu-chan! Have you read the latest magazine? Thanks for saying I'm your best female friend!"

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