(5) Who Knew? {NaLu}

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Idk. ._.

He was a demon.

She was a human.

A love between them was forbidden.




But when has the demon ever followed the rules?


"Natsuu~ Stop!"

"Don't wanna" Natsu snuggled deeper against a woman's chest, causing the said woman to blush even harder.

"Natsuuu seriously. You know this is wrong" The woman said, trying to push of the pinkette off of her.

"So? When have I ever followed the rules?" Natsu just snuggled even deeper

The woman giggled, which was like music to his ears, and began running her hand on his hair. It was surprisingly soft to be honest.

"Oh Natsu" The woman smiled while Natsu just sighed in contentment.

Just then, she began shaking him gently. "Natsu. Natsu. Wake up" Those words confused Natsu. After all, he is awake isn't he?

"What are you talking about Lucy?" He looked into her brown eyes, silently thinking how beautiful she is.

"Wake up Demon Lord"




Natsu woke up to find himself snuggling against a pillow. He looked up to find a demon with short white hair looking at him disappointedly.

"Lisanna?" He asked

"Of course its me silly. Anyways you have to get ready. Gray and Juvia are coming over in an hour" She said, already looking for possible suits for Natsu

"Ice Prick? What's he and Stalker's problem?"

"Did you really forget Natsu?" Lisanna sighed. "They're coming over here to help plan our wedding ceremony"

Natsu's eyes widened. Seriously?! How could he have forgotten that?! Natsu rushed and began to prepare himself as fast as possible while Lisanna giggled.


Natsu and Lisanna were sitting together while Gray and Juvia were sitting oposite from them.

"So Lisanna, what do you need help with?" Gray asked

"Well we already have the flowers and obviously the venue too. Thats all" She replied

"Oh Juvia hopes that you and Natsu-san have a wonderful wedding like Juvia and Gray-sama's wedding" Juvia said, hearts in her eyes

"Y-yeah Juvia me too" Lisanna sweat dropped

Just then, Gray noticed something odd. "Oi Flame Brain, what got you so quiet?" He asked

"Nothing Gray. I just... I had dream.. about her" Natsu muttered that last part.

As if sensing the mood, the room suddenly got alot gloomy.

"I'm sorry. I'll just go find Happy or something" He said, and left the room.

"Juvia is sorry too but she has to go!" Juvia ran towards the door with tears in her eyes while Gray just sighed sadly.

"Um..... Gray? Who is 'her'?" Lisanna asked, confused.

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