(2) LadyNoir

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Okay I have literally no idea where I'm planning on going with this so let's just get it over with

Marinette's POV

"Marinette are you okay?" Alya asked, worried for her best friend

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine" said girl replied rubbing the back of her head sheepishly

"O......kay" Alya turned back towards the teacher

Okay so tomorrow's Adrien's birthday. And coincidentally Chat Noir's too....... naah no way are they the same! So I already have Adrien's gift done, but not yet Chat Noir's. What to get? What to get?

"Hey, hey Marinette! Class' over. Are you sure your okay? You've been spacing out more than usual" Alya asked

"Of course I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be? Anyways got to go see ya later bye!" I replied in a rush leaving the classroom with a confused girl in it

"Alya's right Marinette. You've been spacing out more often. What's wrong?" The small kwami asked

"I'm just thinking about Chat's gift" I replied

"Oh I thought you already did that. You said it yourself, Chat's gift should be easy"

"Guess I was wrong huh?"

I hastily entered my room barely giving my parents a greeting and faceplanting into my bed

"What's so hard about thinking of Chat's gift?" Tikki nibbled on a cookie

"Well, I barely know him, much less knowing the perfect gift for him"

I hate to admit, even though I told him our identities must be a secret, that doesn't stop me from being curious myself

"Well how about thinking of what you do know about him. And besides, no matter what gift you give, Chat's gonna love them!" Tikki comforted

Hmmm..... what I know about Chat..... well he's very loyal duh, and sweet I guess? And he said he loves me a billion times!

"I GOT IT!!" I screamed getting Tikki off guard

"Got what?"

"My gift for Chat! But......." I said

"But what?" Tikki asked getting very curious

"Two possibilities would happen; one, I'm gonna regret it sooner or later. Or he's gonna double the flirting"


~~Time skip to the next night~~~

Oh oh crap its time for his gift! I mentally panicked

Calm down Mari. I'm sure he'll love it! No matter what it is. Tikki said

I still haven't told Tikki about it saying that it will be a suprise

Oh yeah! I also managed to give Adrien his gift this time! And it is signed!

So here I am, in the Eifful(is that how you spell it?) Tower waiting for that flirty cat.

"Waiting for me M'Lady?" Chat greeted

"Why yes Chat" I replied rolling my eyes

"So what do you need me for?" Chat asked sitting next to me

"To celebrate your birthday of course!"

Chat's eyes grew wide. I dunno why

"You know?"

"Well duh. Of course I know. Why shouldn't I?" I snorted

Chat remained silent. It was starting to be very annoying really.

Chat's POV

She remembers. M'Ladybug remembers! I started to have my own little party in mind

Well duh! You guys did share some of your information Plagg said

"So are you ready for your gift Chat?" Ladybug asked

"Yes! I mean sure" I said trying to be smooth

M'Lady giggled for a bit and then started to blush. Huh?

"So I want you to close your eyes and if you open them, you won't be receiving a gift from me" I easily complied already thinking of different scenarios

She took my wrists and pulled me towards her. What is she doin-

My thoughts were broken off when I felt a pair of warm lips against mine. I shot my eyes open to see that indeed she was kissing me.

I stood there shocked and frozen when suddenly she broke off, face looking like a tomato

"Well bye birthday boy!" Ladybug said swinging away

I just stood there shocked still processing what happened. Then my face suddenly broke off into the dorkiest smile you'll ever see

Mari's POV

"Oh my gosh Marinette! You actually kissed him!" Tikki cheered

"I know! Ugh I knew I would regret it" I faceplanted into my bed again

All my embarresment seems to fled once I heard a loud scream, 'YES!!'

I couldn't help but smile for a bit. Silly kitty

But little did I know that a certain blogger just happens to be passing by when she saw us kiss
Soo that was a lot shorter than what I expected..... o-o
Anyways bye!!!!

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