(8) Laurens Interlude

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Do you know, how hard it was to type that title?!?! Lots of contemplating were done, regrets were made, and tears were shed!

But my brain was like, 'You're going to cry, but do it anyways'. So yeah...... I typed this at 12am so it's gonna be shitty but I'll edit later

Warning: Lams, and some lowkey Hamliza and FUCKIN CHARACTER DEATH😭😭😭

I may not live to see our glory

John knew this was the end. The wound was fatal, and there wasn't a doctor anywhere. But he just wished that he died on a different place. A place where his friends would be there. Would they even know he had died?

But I will gladly join the fight

How would Alex react? Would he even care? Or would he be too busy with Eliza to notice.

Eliza... John felt bad. He had no right to be jealous of her. After all, she was an amazing person. And he was happy for Alex. He really was

And when our children tell our story

He was running out of time already. There were so many things he wanted to say, but couldn't. He thought back on his more happy memories. When it was just the four of them; Laf, Herc, him, and Alex.

When it was just him and Alex.


How would Alex react? He was worried about what he might do. At least if he didn't know, he would still be happy. But a part of him wanted Alex to know. To know that his best friend was gone.

It might've been selfish, but he wanted Alex to be upset. So that it would mean John still held a special place in his heart.

He looked at the sky one last time, and closed his eyes for the last time.

They'll tell the story of tonight.
Eliza stopped in front of a door. A door to her bedroom. To their bedroom. Where her husband was weeping.

She wanted to comfort him, tell him that she was here, that it was going to be okay, but she couldn't. It was obvious Eliza couldn't replace John in Alex's heart.

As much as Eliza wished, she could never make Alexander feel happy the way he was happy with John. But she didn't mind. John was an amazing person. A person who had died way too early.

But she just wished she could comfort her husband in anyway.
Alex cried on the bed side. The bed sheet was so wet that tears were puddling up. He had tried to stop crying, but failed. After all, how could he stop? John was one of the greatest things to have happened to his life, apart from Eliza of course.

How are Herc and Laf handling the situation? Were they weeping as hard as Alex was? What about Burr? Did he even know?

Alex's body shook at the thought of them not knowing. John's death deserves to be known. John deserves to be remembered. But who was there to tell his story?

John's dad barely cares about him, his siblings are off on different countries, and while yes, they could talk about John, they weren't here.

So Alex decided he would be the one to tell his story. He would be the one who makes people remember John Laurens. And he wouldn't stop until John's legacy was secured.

Plus, with all the work he plans to do, there won't be room for the thought that his Dear Laurens is gone, forever.

Alex quickly wiped his tears away, unlocked the door, and made his way to the table, writing essays, and thinking of plans for the future.

He could hear the door open slightly, and the sigh that came along with it. But he didn't care. She was too much of a wonderful person to know the pains he felt.

So he closed of that part of his heart forever, where no one will see, or know about.

And today was the day he became Non-Stop

This was honestly longer than I expected. It was originally supposed to end at John's POV, but I just HAD to add Eliza and Alex's POV.

Yeah yeah ik. The ending was rushed. Im sorry.

Btw, why am I crying over someone who died 200 years ago??

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2018 ⏰

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